Meeting with the Doctor/Sports Festival pt.7

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Both Dr. Strange and Wong Finally Arrived to their Destination, Musutafu City. To avoid suspicion, both of them quickly changed their outfit into civilian dress and were making their way to the Sports Stadium.

Strange: I'm Sorry. I shouldn't have brought you into this.

Strange said while looking at Wong's injuries.

Wong: What are you talking about? Remember, we together have Dealt with these kinds of beings.

Strange: I know. But this is the one of the few times I almost lost a Good Friend.

Wong: Just a scratch. Remember the time when we fought against Mephisto and Lilith? Yeah, My Condition was way worst than this.

Strange: Yeah. But this isn't a Lilith or Mephisto level threat.

The Eye of Agamotto began to glow brighter.

Strange: We are close. Let's just make sure, he listens to us.

The two kept walking till they were near a Dark Alley as the Eye of Agamotto began to blink faster.

Wong: You said, it was a Stadium or something.

Strange: No.....something is wrong....

Without Giving the both Sorcerers time to react, a dark Shadow quickly jumped at them and sent both of them flying in an instant. Strange slowly got up to see the glimpse of the shadowy figure, while Wong was still down.

Strange: Chaos....King.....

Mikaboshi: Doctor Stephen Vincent Strange. The Sorcerer Supreme. It's a Pleasure to meet you.

Strange: Look, Mikaboshi. I'm not here to Fight. I'm NOT your enemy.

Mikaboshi: Where's the Other Doctor, Strange?

Strange: I beg your Pardon?

Mikaboshi: Fate.

Strange: ....

Mikaboshi: Nevermind. What brings you here to my Earth?

Strange: Your Earth?

Mikaboshi: Oh Doctor, really? Even with all that Knowledge? I am the Void from which everything came. Everyone here are MY creations.

Strange Took a deep breath and stared down the eyes of the Nil Star as he spoke.

Strange: Look, coming in between the battle of you and Shuma-Gorath was not a Good Idea. I had to choose between, so I did.

Mikaboshi: Fool. You know when everything ends, you will get cease to exist, too.

Strange: I is still better than being a Mindless servant for the Many Angled ones. Plus, I also don't have a good relation with them. Even if everything gets destroyed, atleast....

Strange said as he created a small replica Of the Omniverse  on his palm.

Strange: .....The Omniverse will Rise again from the Zero. The renewable Cycle continues and everything will either go back to normal Or is going to be better than previous Iteration.

Mikaboshi: Ah, yes The Cycle will continue. In my entire life, I have watched the Renewal Cycle. The universe tries to rise again, then soon falls down Miserably.

Strange: will not kill me?

Mikaboshi: Perhaps.....I can give you a chance to live. Take it as a blessing.

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