Cosmic Encounters, The Superflow and the Sword's Seizure

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At the outskirts of Musutafu City, the air crackled with an otherworldly energy. Man-Thing, the guardian of the Nexus of All Realities, stood tall amidst the dense foliage, emanating an aura of ancient power. By his side were Magik and Wong.

Man-Thing, with his mute presence, communicated through his actions and expressions. His swampy form exuded an unmistakable sense of determination and responsibility. Magik and Wong understood the importance of their mission and the role they played alongside Man-Thing.

Magik: Man-Thing, we trust in your guardianship. Protect the lay line of the nexus with all your might.

Wong: The fate of countless realms rests on our shoulders. Let us not falter in our duty.

As the night settled in, the absence of the mindless ones puzzled the trio. It was as if the forces of darkness were biding their time, plotting a more sinister course.

Magik: Something is amiss. The mindless ones should have been here by now. I sense an undercurrent of manipulation.

Wong: Agreed, Magik. This silence is unsettling. We must remain vigilant and prepare for any unseen danger.

Just then, Doctor Strange, arrived, his Cloak of Levitation billowing behind him. He spoke while Observing his surroundings.

Strange: It seems we have an enigma on our hands. The absence of the mindless ones raises questions. Man-Thing, Magik, Wong, we must stay alert and keep our eyes open for anything out of the ordinary.

Magik: Ah, Doc. You arrived at the perfect time. How are others doing?

Strange: Johnny, Daniel and Hellstrom are clearing the streets. Wanda and I are currently investigating on the matter.

Wong: And Chaos King?

Strange: My apologies, Magik. As of now, Chaos King's precise whereabouts and actions are unknown. He is a master of deception, capable of hiding in the shadows and manipulating reality to suit his needs. We must remain vigilant and be prepared for his unpredictable maneuvers.

Magik: I thought you trust him.

Strange: *sigh* Magik, trust is a fragile and Complex thing, especially when it comes to beings like Amatsu-Mikaboshi. As for now, he doesn't see us as a threat.....yet.

Wong: Hopefully.


Chiyo and Scarlett: You are going, where?!

Both girls said as they looked at Y/N.

Y/N: How should I say this...? A place where You can't go. A place which you can't Comprehend.

Chiyo: I also want to go with you.

Y/N: Sure. If you have a mood to get mindraped.

Scarlett: 'Wow, so not even an Outer God can survive this place?'

Y/N: You both stay here.

Chiyo: And when you'll be coming back?

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