The Start of chaos

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OBLIVION. I found myself engulfed in darkness, as if I was floating in an endless void. Panic surged through me as I tried to make sense of my surroundings, but there was nothing to see, nothing to touch. It was all-consuming darkness.

Izuku: *whispers* Where am I?

I whispered into the void, my voice echoing back at me. Just when the feeling of uncertainty overwhelmed me, a bright light pierced through the darkness, blinding me for a moment. As my vision slowly adjusted, I found myself lying in my room at home. Relief washed over me, and I realized it was just a dream—a strange and surreal dream.

Izuku: 'It was a...dream?'

I questioned, my heart still racing from the intensity of the experience.

Izuku: 'But dreams are just dreams. They can't be real...right?'

I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts. Today was the start of another school day at U.A. High, and I needed to focus on that. I quickly got out of bed, still feeling a bit disoriented from the dream.

As I got dressed in my U.A. High uniform, images from the dream flashed before my eyes. It was all so intense and overwhelming. I tried to shake off the strange feeling and focus on the day ahead.

Heading to the train station, I couldn't help but mull over the dream once more. Why was it so vivid? Was it just my mind playing tricks on me? Or did it hold some deeper meaning?

I greeted familiar faces as I walked through the hallways of U.A. High, but my mind kept wandering back to the dream. It felt like an adventure, a battle between powerful beings, and I was right in the midst of it.

Finally, I reached my classroom and took my seat.

Izuku: Good Morning, Everyone.

I greeted my classmates, hoping to distract myself from the lingering thoughts. But as I glanced around the room, I couldn't help but notice that something was off. Y/N's seat, usually occupied by my friend and classmate, was empty. Confused, I turned to Uraraka, who was seated nearby.

Izuku: Hey, Uraraka, did you notice that Y/N isn't here today?

Uraraka furrowed her brow in confusion.

Uraraka: Y/N? Who's that?

My heart skipped a beat as I processed her response. How could she not know Y/N? He had been a part of our class for as long as I could remember.

Izuku: Y/N, you know, the guy who sits over there

I said while pointing at the empty Desk. Uraraka's brow furrowed as she glanced at the vacant seat.

Uraraka: I'm sorry, but I don't remember anyone named Y/N sitting there. Are you sure you're not mistaken?

Izuku: Y/N is our friend, Uraraka! He's been in our class for a long time.

My heart sank further, feeling a mix of frustration and worry. It was as if Y/N had vanished from everyone's memory. I couldn't understand how such a close friend could be forgotten by everyone else?


As I went through the day at U.A. High, a sense of unease washed over me. Everything felt wrong, like I was trapped in some kind of elaborate illusion. I couldn't shake off the feeling that this couldn't be real, that it was all just a dream or some sort of mind trick.

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