Sports festival pt.6

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Wong: So, what's the plan?

Wong said as him and Strange readied themselves to fight the corrupted Titan and his army.

Strange: We have to End this quickly!

Thanos began to Roar loudly, ordering his army to attack the two Sorcerers.

Strange: Crystals of Cyndriarr.

As Strange casted his spell, it summoned mystical blast of yellow, rectangular crystals at the Elder Demons, causing death upon contact with the demons.

Wong: That's new.....

Strange: Crystals of Cyndriarr, Wong. Their touch is certain death.

Wong: I don't think it worked on them....

Wong said as he pointed at the demons who began resurrect from the Attack.

Strange: Impossible!

Wong created Mystical Shields to protect themselves from the attacks of the demons. Strange began to close his eyes and meditate as his Eye Of Agamotto began to glow brighter and brighter till he opened his eyes.

Strange: The demons are being amplified by the Titan. He's the source of their Power we need to Find a way to kill him.

Strange began to Dash towards Thanos in no time and began to cast another spell before the titan could react.

Strange: Crimson Bands Of Cyttorak!

Dr. Strange spoke as The Crimson Bands began to completely bind Thanos from head to toe. Seeing Titan powerless against his bands, Strange took his opportunity.

Strange: Flames Of Faltine!

Strange blasted his powerful mystical Flames at the Titan. But it wasn't enough as Thanos easily Tanked his attacks with little to no damage at at all.

Strange: By the eye of Agamotto!

Strange was surprised by the Titan's durability. But before he Strike down another time, one of the Faeries tackled him from behind. Thanos was using all his strength to break free from the binds but was in vain. Suddenly tentacles being to emerge from his body and carefully began wrapping themselves around the Crimson bands, slowly absorbing it while the two Sorcerers were busy with the demons.

Strange: Damn! Bolts Of Balthakk!

Strange used his spell to summon offensive electrical discharges, freeing himself from the faery. Stephen's Eye Of Agamotto began to Glow as he blasted a Mystical Bolt at the faery. Soon more demons began attack strange as he used his small Protective shields to deflect their attacks.

Meanwhile, Wong was trying his Best to save himself from the Attacks of The Faeries as he couldn't able to take out all of them at once. Dr. Strange, seeing his friend in trouble began to Summon small Black holes, sucking away the Titan's entire Army.

Wong: Could have done that earlier.

Wong said as he began to Approach Stephen.

Strange: There was 1/2 chance of you becoming spaghetti near those mystical black holes.

Strange turned his head towards the Thanos who managed to break down the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak. Wong tried to use his Crimson bands, till Strange stopped.

Strange: Don't.

Wong: huh? But why?

Strange: Those tentacles....they somehow absorbed the powers of Crimson bands. The more you throw at him, the more he eats.

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