Asthma Attack

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~•Here is from time when Zayn was still in One Direction. In real life Zayn don't have asthma, it is just an fanfiction.

Hope you Enjoy!

It was one hour before the concert, Zayn was getting ready in his dressing room when he felt a little congestion in his chest. He thought it would be fine because he will be keeping his inhaler with him. If he felt something off he will use it instantly.

He was called by lou for styling his hair as Niall was done with his styling. Zayn was last one. He went to styling room where lou was standing by the chair and all the boys were present there too.

He sat on chair and lou started styling Zayn's hair. He closed his eyes to relax a bit when Liam interrupted him.

"Zayn buddy are you okay?" Liam asked. Zayn opened his eyes and in the mirror he saw that all the boys were looking at him.

"Yeah absolutely! Why?" Zayn replied confused.

"Nothing I thought you might not be feeling well" Liam said and Zayn shook his head and smiled.

"I am fine daddy direction, well pretty excited for concert!" Zayn replied happily at the top of his lungs when he felt a he ran out of breath , he took a deep breath and tried his best not to give any reaction to that so that boys do not notice.

"Yeah well audience seems pretty energetic. Seems like we are gonna enjoy it today!" Niall replied and everyone chuckled at his words.

"Zayn-" Louis said and took a pause. All the boys were looking between Louis and Zayn in confusion.

"Please don't forget to keep your inhaler with you buddy, and if you felt something off please tell us immediately" Louis said standing patting Zayn's shoulder while lou was making Zayn's hair and she was adoring the bond and love between the boys.

Zayn first thought of telling everyone about the breath issue and congestion but he thought to ignore it as he don't want to ruin the concert and boy's mood.

"Yeah definitely" Zayn said and after a few minutes his hair was done too. Boys were ready to rock the concert.

Time skip**

Concert was started and few songs were already done. He was doing great untill he suddenly felt a pain and more congestion in his chest. He ran his hands down in his pants pockets and a wave of panic ran across his body. He forgot to keep his inhaler with him.

He removed the mic from his face and started taking deep breaths slowly. He was a bit relieved because he was done with his solo in the present song.

Few deep breaths made his congestion slowly go away and he thought it was fine now.

Next song came and he started singing when he realized he ran out of breath so he motioned Harry to do his solo. Harry understood the sign and started singing Zayn's solo.

All the boys were staring at him while singing when he suddenly went a back sat on stage and started taking fast breaths. They realized he was having an asthma attack.

Everyone slowly went near him and were standing near him now while singing the song. His parts were being sang by Harry and Niall.

When Harry's part was done he ran his hands through Zayn's all pockets and realized he didn't have inhaler with him.

Louis was watching both of them, without saying anything he ran backstage and after a few seconds came back with his inhaler. Niall and Liam were keeping the audience busy with jokes and interaction. Soon Zayn was relaxed and his breathing was normal. He kept the inhaler in his hand and stood up. He came with boys at front.

Niall and Liam were looking at him with concern dropping from their eyes, he nodded them in a way that "I'm fine now". The boys understood and Niall put his arm around Zayn's shoulder.

Soon everything was back to normal. After a few minutes again Zayn realized that his breathing was getting worse and worse . He collapsed on stage while his mic dropped from his hand.

Audience shouted and the boys saw Zayn on stage laying and trying to make his breathing normal. His hand was now on his chest.

Boys ran towards him and Harry took inhaler and put it in Zayn's mouth. It wasn't this time working.

Paul came running from behind the stage with a few men and they all picked up Zayn and took him backstage. Paul requested boys to finish the concert and boy's couldn't help but do what he says.

Time skip**

After finishing the concert boys told the audience that Zayn would be fine and after a good bye they went backstage trying to find Zayn. They went into dressing room and lou told them that Paul took him to hospital as his breathing wasn't getting normal.

Boys went to hospital and saw Paul there. They ran towards him.

"Paul! Where is he and how is he? Is he fine now?" Niall as usual showered the questions on Paul and Paul patted his back relaxing him.

"Relax boys he is fine now and is being examined by the doctor. He will be with us in few minutes." Paul said and all the boys nodded. They were worried. They saw Zayn's asthma attacks but he never collapsed like this.

There was a silence untill Zayn arrived and boys ran towards him pulling eachother in a group hug.

Zayn pulled himself out.

"Woah guys relax. I am fine." Zayn said with a smile on his face. He was looking tired due to everything.

"Shut up you dumbo! I reminded you to keep your inhaler with you and you still didn't keep it" Louis said not yelling but trying to sound like a father.

"I...i forget. And i am sorry Lou, i promise it won't happen again" Zayn said in a assuring tone and he brushed his hand in his hairs.

"Yeah better" Harry said and chuckled.

"Come on boys let's get you to the hotel room. You all must be tired now and plus I have ordered food for you guys." Paul said smiling and all the boys smiled too.

"Thank you Paul" Zayn said.

"It's okay lad. Now take care of yourself and better keep your inhaler with you. I am sure you don't like hospital visits." Paul said laughing and all the lads laugh and Zayn nodded.

Soon they went into the hotel rooms and after having their dinner all the boys drifted in sleep because of tiredness.

Next day arrived and they were fresh and ready. Today they were having few interviews only but they are also tiring enough.

Before leaving the room Louis took Zayn's inhaler and put it in Zayn's pocket. All the boys laughed and Louis was straight staring into Zayn's eyes as if he was warning him not to forget it.

They some times used to baby sit Zayn and he also reciprocates their love everytime. All the five boys take care of each other and were never annoyed with eachother. That's the bond they share, the bond that most people admire.

- So i know it's not that good as I atleast expected it to be so sorry about that.

Suggestions and opinions are always welcomed.

Take Care


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