Hides Sickness (Migraine)

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~•Request by @/Percyjaksonfan246. Sorry for the delay. Other requests will be updated soon.



I opened my eyes and looked at the time. 2:50AM. I was going back to sleep when suddenly I realized my head was hurting. I sighed and rub my temples to sooth it but I stopped doing it after 15 minutes because it wasn't fading away instead it increased. I sat on my bed thinking what to do. I can't disturb the boys since it's mid night and also we have two interviews tomorrow which is very exhausting and sometimes frustrating.

I slowly opened my room door not to create any noise. I went to the kitchen switched on a small light and opened cabinet to fine any pain killers. I found one and gulped it with water. Then I went upstairs back to my room. I laid ob my bed trying to close my eyes. Pain increased but stubbornly I tried to sleep. After a battle of thirty with my ownself I felt back sleep.

In The Morning:

I woke up but this time at 8:25AM. Still better than waking up mid night. Suddenly a pain shot through my head. Headache was still there but was worst. I tried sitting up suddenly a nauseous feeling ran through my body.

I rushed for bathroom and let my guts out. After I was done, I brushed my teeth and took shower to calm my body. After a shower headache was worst and nauseous feeling was still there but nothing would come out. I came out of bathroom and switched all lights off. My eyes were heavy the light was making my headache worse.

I changed into fresh clothes for interview and went downstairs to meet lads. They were sitting in kitchen around table and having breakfast. They waved and greeted me a Good morning. I winced at loudness but I covered it with a smile and greeted them back.

"Zayn how many Pancakes?" Harry asked who was putting pancake in plate.

Only seeing the food was making me vomit. I didn't want them to know so I lied about my mood.

"Not today Harold. I will have breakfast later" I said and chucked down water to calm my headache.

"Okay Paul called and said car will come in an hour so We got an hour for interview." Liam informed and everyone nodded. I tried to nod but thinking about my migraine I hummed in response.

*After 1st Interview*

To be very honest the interviewer was very annoying. She kept asking questions which were already answered. My temper was rising and migraine didn't helped at all.

She kept on insisting me about removing my sunglasses which i wore for my eyes. I kept ignoring her.

I wasn't feeling any better and the pain was making me tired already. I went to car in a rush after the interview was finished and took two pills this time for headache. I know they we're not going to help that much but at least something will happen.

"Z you alright?" Niall asked as everyone sat in car.

"Yup" I faked a smile. I could see from Louis' face no one of them were convinced but they shrugged.

*Second Interview*

I wasn't even able to hear the interviewer. My migraine was getting worst and I wasn't able to answer the questions. Thank fully Harry, Louis Niall and Liam kept covering my questions. I could tell they have suspicion.
Kept asking me and I kept lying. I don't like it but I don't want to bother them.

It was night time till we went for home. Boys had dinner at Nando's. I had also eaten something since my stomach was empty from morning.

I can't have more pills now even. I already have three. I just want to rest. Lay on my bed and sleep untill it goes away.

"Zayn are you sure you're alright?" this time Harry asked looking worried.

"Yes Mr. Styles I am fine" I said in Veronica's voice.

I went home and as soon as I entered the room a bad nausea hit me. I just made it to bathroom and let it out. Tears were flowing now endlessly, first from pain and second due to Vomit. Leaning against the toilet I felt a hand rubbing my back and a figure leaning towards me.

After I was finished I saw Louis and Liam near me and Harry and Niall were standing on door incase anything was needed. I didn't have energy left so with the help of Louis and Liam I stood and washed my mouth and face.

With their help I went to my bed. The lights in the room were too bright for my liking. I winced at pain.

"H,  lights." I heard Liam saying and suddenly the lights were dim in my room, which relieved me.

"You have a migraine right?" Liam asked and All i could do was nod. So I did.

"Should have tell us earlier Z." Niall said and I just hummed not understanding what else to do.

"Alright just rest and if you need someone from us can stay with you." Harry asked and I closed my eyes taking a deep breath.

"How about all of you?" I asked and opened my eyes.

"Okay I will bring extra blankets and pillows" Niall said. Louis and Niall went out to bring those and Liam sat on my bed's edge while Harry gently climbed near me on bed. He started running his fingers in my hairs and it felt better to be honest.

"Thank you guys" i said and both of them shook their heads.

"No need Z. Just don't hide alright?" Liam said and I nodded in response.

Soon Niall and Liam came in room with stuff tucked in their arms. They laid three blankets and pillows on floor.

Harry jumped out of the bed and Niall came to Harry's previous position. Niall laid with me while Liam, Harry and Louis laid on floor.

"If you need anything just shake me alright?" Niall said and I smiled while nodded. He smiled and put an arm on my waist.

Soon five of us slept. Next day was much better and the boys made it more better than ever for me.

•~First of all sorry for the delay in request. I was having a serious writer's block. Other's requests I will update very soon. Sorry for disappointing you guys.

My college's last year is starting from next week. I might not be able to update like this but I will try my very best.

Plus I have been working on two more fanfics.

Requests, comments, votes, opinions and suggestions are always welcomed<3

Take Care


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