Bad Luck?

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Request by @/emsahaa.
-Boys are together in this


Waking up with a stomach ache is definitely not something I would like. But the thing is I can’t do anything. Besides we had a concert at night and we can’t cancel it, at least not because of the stupid Stomach ache.

I was in my bed thinking about the concert. I wasn’t feeling good today but something in me was telling me that something bad is going to happen.

I brushed off that feeling thinking that it might be because I am not feeling well.

I went downstairs meeting four beautiful but definitely not morning people.

“Hey” I greeted them and they greeted me back with small Hi’s and Hello’s.

Boys and I were already tired due to the tour. Its been long time since the tour had been started and we all are waiting for it to end. Don’t get me wrong we love this but we need break and rest too.

“Why the frown in the morning?” Louis asked me.

“Just not feeling well” I said and sat beside Niall.

“Okay no. Just not today Z. No concert is going to get cancel so cut the act and let’s get ready for it” Liam said not making an eye contact with me looking at his newspaper.
I sighed. I can’t argue with them if they don’t believe me tho. I can’t blame them for their behavior, we all are exhausted and frustrated at this point.

I sighed and went to my room to get ready for the show.


We arrived at venue two hours before our show and were now practicing the vocals. Yesterday we arrived here too to check everything. This place doesn’t gave me good vibes both time.

Vibes do tell a lot. I am telling this from personal experience.

“watcha thinking?” Harry asked me while we both were drinking water.

“Nothing just this place doesn’t give positive vibes. What if something is going to happen?” I asked looking around us. I heard Harry sighing.
“ It’s nothing Z. It’s just your nerves.” He said patting my shoulder walking inside the dressing room.

The ache in my stomach wasn’t gone still.
I sighed and went inside too to get dressed for today’s show, being hopeful that everything will go alright.

“So Z what are you wearing?” Niall asked looking at closet.

I sighed pointing at the leather jacket infront of me with a simple black t-shirt, skinny jeans and sneakers.

“You alright?” Niall asked and for the thousand time I sighed again.

“Yes just I am getting a feeling something bad is going to happen” I said and looked at him. Look on his face tells that he was thinking about what I have just said.

“You’re getting just nervous Z. It will be alright “ Louis said while fixing his hairs. Let’s hope he is saying right.


Here we are standing in front of so many people. I don’t what it is but I’m not really happy. I can feel something’s wrong.
“Story of my life I take her Home I-“ we were singing and suddenly the mics and sound system went off. I looked around at boys confused and suddenly the lights went off too.

I was terrified by this time. To make me feel worse the stage started shaking and the arena was filled with screams now. Suddenly the stage broke from the area’s where all five of us were standing and we fell. My head hit the floor beneath me.

I looked around and saw the boys same like me. Louis was holding his head, Niall his leg, Liam was holding him one arm and Harry was busy in screaming while holding his foot.

At this point my ears got closed and I felt a fluid trickle down from my forehead. Then I noticed myself.

There was shooting pain in back, my head was busted, my forehead was cut, my arms were bruised due to falling and my legs were tangled in wires.

Suddenly I heard ambulance sirens and saw paramedics reaching us. I groaned and all the paramedics rushed towards five of us.

They lifted us, putting in stretcher and took us to the hospital.


Seems like I was the one most injured. I had a broken rib, cut and bruises, an broken ankle plus wrist. Thankfully nothing more.

Harry had a broken ankle.

Louis had a concussion.

Liam’s arm muscles were pulled and now they are better.

Niall’s leg was broken and after surgery he is better too.

I guess It was my bad luck the place where I fell was full of wires and machinery.

“I told you I had a bad feeling” I said slightly annoyed looking at boys.

“Yeah right we should have listened to you.” Liam said and other boys nodded.

“I swear to god I’m never gonna ignore whatever you say Z” Louis huffed.

“What if he says rubbish “ Niall asked frowning.

“Shut up Niall” Harry Liam and Louis said in a chorus and I busted into laughter.

“It’s alright. Now let’s please go back home please “ I whined like a small kid. They nodded and Paul droved us back to our apartment because due to this accident we were given a whole bloody month off.

The thing that still intrigued me was that we still don’t know how the stage broke and fell.
Well maybe we’ll find answer soon?


Hope you liked it!

I don't know what I have wrote. I have just wrote it alright? ;)

Plus No requests now please.

Take Care


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