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"Friends until death..?"
You couldn't help but sweatdrop at this. What made him suddenly say something like this?

"Are you.. Okay?"

"Uh huh!"
You laid your head on the wall and sighed. Maybe he's gone crazy, you weren't sure.

"Do you know a way to get out of here?"
Yukio suddenly fell silent. He was wondering whether if he should tell you.
You only asked the question because you noticed he moved much more freely than you did, even though he was still in chains.

"Ye- uh..."
You furrowed your eyebrows. So he does know!!

You moved your chains and faced him.
"Tell me!"
Yukio sweatdropped. Should he tell you?

Wait, you were his friend, right? So it shouldn't hurt..

"I might've taken some keys from a guard a while ago while he wasn't looking...?"
Moving his chains, he slowly took out some keys from his pocket and held them up.

"Why are you still here then?!"
"I told you already, I'm waiting for someone!"
You sighed loudly. He said it himself, he's been here for years!
"Please let me out."
Yukio hesitantly nodded as he freed himself from his chains and got up from his sitting position.

Opening his cell, he walked over to yours and opened it.

"You look way different up close."

"What were you expecting me to look like??"
"Uhh, hehe."

Putting the key through your chains, he unlocked the ones on your feet and on your hands.

Slowly standing up, you stretched your arms and legs and directed your attention towards Yukio.

So he really was just a kid.

He was pretty short, but judging from Akuto, you knew he was going to shoot up in height some day.

Walking past him, you opened the door wider so Yukio could walk through.

"You coming?"
Suddenly, instead of the cheerful expression you were used to, Yukio's smile suddenly turned into a frown.

"I think I'm going to stay here. I'll only slow you down."

You walked over to him and shook his shoulders.

"So you want to rot here??"
"No, I don't. But my friend promised that he'll come back for me."

You couldn't help but scoff at his absurdness. Was he really that dumb?
"He's not coming back! You've been here for years already."
Yukio looked at the ground and tried not to cry. He knew his friend wasn't coming back, but he still held a tiny bit of hope.

"I know, but still...."
"Think about yourself. Not some unknown person that's only a memory now. You don't know what happened to him. Hell, he could be dead for all you know!"
It was harsh, but he needed to be faced with reality. If this was how he acted, then he needed a push in the right direction.

Walking closer, he gave you a hug.

You weren't good with kids, so you weren't sure what to do. Even when his tears soaked your dress, you only awkwardly hugged him back.

"I wanna stay here."


Looking around for any guards, you kept your guard up. Even though you were exhausted from lack of sleep, you still needed to find Akuto and everyone else.

Just walking anywhere in the castle made you feel uneasy. Where was everyone? There should be guards on patrol, right? Where were they?

You didn't dare open any doors since they could all possibly lead to someone you knew or someone who would possibly capture you. You had to be on edge since you were on the other side of the castle, which is where everyone you once knew resided.

♡𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓥𝓲𝓵𝓵𝓪𝓲𝓷 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓨𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮 ♡ ||Mute!Yandere male x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now