Chapter 4 : Upapandavas Journey

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Draupadi thought if Govind didn't come, she would have definitely made a wrong decision. She wanted nothing more than to jump in the holy fire where she was born. But Govind said the reason of her birth still isn't completed. She has to stay alive for her children.

Draupadi is resting. Shrutasena has told her about what happened. Why are they here now? What are they trying to prove? Whatever it is she clearly told her family she doesn't want to be disturbed by the Pandavas. She caressed her belly where Arjun's valor is growing. Maybe other time she would have been so excited to tell him about her pregnancy. But his behavior with Shrutakarma did prove his affection of her children clearly. It doesn't matter if he knows or not.

"Mata will never let you feel the emptiness of a father, my dear," she whispered.

She sighed. She has decided. She will not go back. Not only for her self respect but also for her sons. They were so neglected in Indraprastha and their father themselves did that. They will be extremely conscious if they return. Her sons, they are her sons alone and she is teach them. She doesn't have to be Pandavas strength anymore.

"Maa, look at these fruits. How tasty they look," Satanika came with a. Busket of foods.

Draupadi giggled. Her morning sickness has gotten worse and her sons are too worried about it. As she likes to eat wild fruits, any of her sons would go and bring them from the forest.

"Come here, my handsome boy," Draupadi opened her arm for her son.

Satanika grinned and jumped in his mother's embrace. He inhaled his mother's signature blue lotus fragnance which has been his solace since birth.

"Maa, who will this little rascal look like?" Satanika asked.

Draupadi twisted his ear, "He isn't even born and you already started to bully him. Rajkumar Satanika he is your youngest brother."

"Ouch's paining," Satanika groaned in pain.

Draupadi left his ear and kisses his forehead. He is exactly like his father. Extremely restless and speaks his mind without a care. No one sees him sitting on the same spot for too long. He has to do something and anything. May it pulling Prativindhya's legs or get beaten by Sutasoma. He is always busy.

"Mata, you know I befriended one wild  Elephant today. I can understand what they say," Satanika began to talk about his day excitedly.

"Your father had that ability as well. You are like him," Draupadi said softly.

"I have no relationship or whatsoever with that man, Mata. I am only your son," Satanika's voice became hoarse.


"No, Mata. Don't say me otherwise. I don't acknowledge that man as my father," Satanika wasn't ready to listen.

Draupadi sighed. Her sons become really agitated if she tries to talk about their fathers. Maybe after things get a little usual, they will try to listen to her.

"Okay, tell me what else you did today," Draupadi asked.

Satanika layed on his mother's lap and began to talk animatedly about his day. Draupadi looked amused. The duality of this child! He appeared so mature some moment ago and now he is like a kid. Draupadi sighed as she caressed his hair. A 16 years old has suffered enough. She doesn't wish for him and her sons to suffer more.

"Jyest, Mamashree has called us in the Sabha," Shrutakarma informed Prativindhya.

"Let's move anujo," Prativindhya called his four brothers.

In the Sabha, they noticed the situation was a bit tense. Prativindhya took seat  beside his grandfather as indicated.

Then they noticed Guru Dronacharya there. Their facial expression immediately stiffned. Sutasoma fisted his hand. Draupadeyas didn't bother greet him as well.

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