Chapter 8 : Eunuchs

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Arjun was crying without saying anything clutching his Madhav's legs. Other Pandavas were also standing close without saying anything. They finally felt  peace seeing their Madhav.

"Let go, Rajkumar Arjun. What are you doing?" Krishna asked sternly.

"Madhav...kill me instead but don't say this...don't abandon me..Madhav..I beg you. Punish me as much as you want but don't abandon me Madhav..." Arjun cried.

"Vasudev, won't your forgive us after all this time?" Bheem asked in a broken voice.

"I will forgive you all only after my Sakhi forgives you," Krishna said looking away from them.

"Then let us meet her, Vasudev. We can't even go near her. It's been eight years. This separation from her is killing us, Vasudev. Let us meet," Yudhisthir pleaded.

"Madhav, she doesn't even know that we are in exile, does she?" Arjun asked.

"Everything has its own time to come to light. And right now Draupadi must make her sons stronger. This is her duty now," Krishna said.

"Why Madhav? Can't we meet her once? Madhav, I beg you. Take us to her," Arjun cried again holding Krishna's legs.

"Rajkumar Arjun, I came here today for a work. You all know about how your sons have won the war against demons. They, in return is gifted with the most magnificent kingdom of the world. Draupadi is going to be the Queen and Prativindhya will be crowned as the Crown Prince. I want you all to come to Devapath that day," Krishna stated.

Pandavas face lit up in happiness. They can see their sons, they can meet their Panchali. They looked at each other and they are more than ready to go.

"But you can't go in this form," Krishna said.

"But Madhav...we can't have any royal attires before our exile ends," Yudhisthir said.

"My Sakhi has seen you all in brahmins attire. She will recognize you in a second," Krishna pointed out.

"Then what do we do?" Nakul asked worried.

A mischievous smile appeared on Krishna's lips. Pandavas felt the hair of their body standing up seeing him. That smile never brought anything good at all.

"It's time for Brihannala to get some sisters, don't you think Jyest?" Krishna smiled mischievously.

Except Arjun everyone raised their eyebrows in horror. He is joking, right? They wish he did.

Bheem looked at his reflexion in the water frowning. Vasudev has stuffed clothes in his chest to make his gigantic breasts. He tied so many clothes to make his hips look bigger. How the hell women looks down with so much on their chest? And what's with this wide hips? How can they ever lift the mace with this?

He returned to their hut now. He stumbled atleast 9 times in this short path. Upon going he can see Arjun was the only one comfortable. His Jyest had a defeated look on his face. Krishna and Arjun must have forced him. He sat there looking like he has lost all hope in his life. Nakul was folding their clothes while humming like a good little housewife. Sahadev was trying to hide his axe in his skirt.

"Bhrata Bheem, you look ravishing," Arjun teased.

"How on the earth women manages to live like this, Jyest? How the hell they see with so much going on their chest? I feel stuffed," Bheem complained.

"Pandavas, this is the only chance you will get to have Panchali and your sons back to you all. Use it well. Also remember one thing. If Panchali ever touches any of you, she will recognize you immediately," Krishna warned.

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