Chapter 124 : The Fear of Future

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Draupadi enters Sahadeva's chamber. Seeing no maids inside, he is taking bath she concludes. Draupadi enters the private bath adjacent to his chamber.

He has been avoiding her from the moment Krishna wrote that letter to her. He doesn't meet anyone's eyes and keeps himself separated from everyone in everyway.

Sahadeva was indeed bathing lost in his thoughts. The paste of sandalwood left untouched beside him. Draupadi slowly approaches him from behind and begins to apply the paste on his back.

"Panchali!" Sahadeva was surprised.

"You will catch a cold this way. Finish the bath first," Draupadi says.

Sahadeva let's her take care of his bath. She still is as careful and gentle with him as she was from the very beginning of their marriage. Draupadi washes his hair and applies perfumed oil massaging his scalp. She pours water on his body gently scrubbing the sandalwood paste. He doesn't meet her eyes once but he can feel her glance on his face constantly.

Draupadi doesn't go away instead she begins the assist him in changing his wet garments.

"Panchali, I can do this," Sahadeva blushes furiously.

"Are you still embarrassed with me?" Draupadi's smiles mischievously.

"I...I am not. You don't need to tire yourself unnecessarily," Sahadeva tries to protest.

"You didn't say that while I was bathing you. Sit like a good boy and don't disturb me," Draupadi didn't listen to his pleas and choses his garments and ornaments.

Sahadeva gives up and let's her do her way. She is combing his hair for a long time. Not that Sahadeva is complaining. Her hands and her presence is soothing than anything.

Draupadi bursts out laughter suddenly. Sahadeva's thoughts break. Draupadi is laughing so hard she almost gets tears in her eyes.

"What...!" Sahadeva looks in the mirror and becomes 10 times more embarrassed.

Draupadi has tied a small ponytail in the middle of his head. He looks...well... entertaining.

"Why do you do that!" embarrassed Sahadeva was about to fix his hair himself when Draupadi catches his hand.

"Don't ruin it. You look handsome!" she purses her lips with her smile.

Sahadeva begins to struggle. Of course he doesn't use his strength on her. Both trying to fight with their hands fall on the bed. Sahadeva's hair was back to their position.

Draupadi doesn't let him get up. She cups his face and presses her lips on his eyes.

"It pains me to not see myself in them. Why are you ignoring me?" she asks softly.

Sahadeva leans in her arms. His face buried in her breasts. His arms snakes around her waist. He takes in her blue lotus fragrance.

He doesn't answer. Because the woman in hold knows the answer behind his silence as well.

Draupadi also doesn't ask anymore and embraces him closer to her chest. Both enjoying the presence of the other. Sahadeva knows how much pain Kunti's order caused Draupadi. But he can't help but be grateful to it time and times.

"I love you," Draupadi whispers softly.

It isn't only a confession. Draupadi assures him when times like this happen. When he can't speak out the future for his given vows. In past he was always helpless when he couldn't warn his brothers about a danger. But after his marriage with Draupadi, she always seemed to know how helpless he felt, how desperately he needs a shelter these times. And she gladly provides him with that.

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