Chapter 13 : A Daughter's Love

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Suthanu was feeling quite suspicious now. These five eunuchs know about her  family way more than anyone. But how? First she thought her Mamashree might have told them but no. They are acting as if they were always a part of them.

Today Brihannala is with her brother Shrutakarma and she is feeling quite bored. What to do...what to do....

She suddenly saw Yuvani sitting beside the fountain lost in her thoughts. She tiptoed behind her trying to scare her.

"Rajkumari, I can see your reflection," Yudhisthir smiled.

"Opps," Suthanu sat beside her.

Yudhisthir looked at his daughter a sigh leaving his mouth

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Yudhisthir looked at his daughter a sigh leaving his mouth. His daughter posses such a tender and soft beauty. She appears so pure that he fears even the wind will leave a scar on her body. Isn't this is how he feels for her mother as well? So protective and possessiveness all the time...

"What are you thinking, Yuvani?" Suthanu asks.

"Just about my family," Yudhisthir couldn't lie.

"You have a family? Where are they?" Suthanu asks surprised.

"They are in my heart and Infront of me but very far away as well. I am thinking of ways to get back with them," Yudhisthir answers.

For some reason Suthanu didn't ask anymore noticing his sad face probably. She only sat close to him. Yudhisthir thoughs began to wonder. Daughters really do have some amazing qualities in them, don't they? His heart melts into a pool just by seeing her. He wants to adore her with every thing she desires in the world. He wants to pamper and love his daughter like a father does. He wants to spoile her like a father but look at their situation now.

"Yuvani, Mamashree told me you worked for my fathers before. Can you tell me what my father looks like?" Suthanu requests softly.

"You have five fathers Rajkumari. Whom do you want to know about?" Yudhisthir asks smiling a bit.

"Pitashree Yudhisthir. I want to know about him," Suthanu says.

"There isn't much about him, Rajkumari. He was a regular king who just did things according to dharma," Yudhisthir didn't know what else to say.

"Come on. I meant what he likes to eat, what he likes to read, what he did in this leisure," Suthanu asks excitedly.

"Your father did great injustice to you, your mother and your brothers. Why do you still have any interest about him?" Yudhisthir asks.

"He is my father and no matter what will always be. You know when I was in Panchal, I send him a letter every week and he replied to every one of them so lovingly. My brothers say our fathers held no affection for us but I don't believe that. If he didn't love me, why did he reply to all my letters?" Suthanu argues.

Yudhisthir looked confused. Letters of his daughter. He never received any. Who the hell then send the reply? Might be any of his brothers. He decided to ask them about it later.

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