Chapter 100 : Identities

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Pandavas were in there secret hideout. Bheem was walking in circles. His face, eyes red in anger.

"Arjun," Bheem's voice thundered.

Before Arjun could realize, Bheem yanked him hardly. Yudhisthir gasps in shock. Bheem has lost control of his anger.

"What the hell were you doing, Arjun? You live in the same chamber with her. What the hell were you doing? Were you too busy gossiping with the maids that you failed to notice her problem?" Bheem growls.

"Bhrata Bheem," Sahadev tries to intervene but one glare from Bheem and he stops.

"That bastard misbehaved with her not only once but multiple times. And today he....." Nakul couldn't say anymore as tears of anger fall from his eyes.

"What were you doing?" Bheem yanks Arjun again screaming in rage.

"I tried Bharta Bheem...several times...when she ran inside locking the door, when she was pale and worried...not once she told me..." Arjun trembles in front of Bheem for the first time.

"Bheem calm down," Yudhisthir holds his shoulder.

Bheem brushes off Yudhisthir's hand violently, "You can stay quiet even seeing your wife being insulted again. I can't, Bharta."

Yudhisthir looks at Bheem hurt but he knows Bheem has lost control of his emotions. He needs to calm down.

"Bheem, Panchali would hate to see you like this. Calm down," Yudhisthir speaks softly this time.

Her name worked like magic to Bheem. He calms down gradually.

"There's a thing more, bhrata," Arjun says after Bheem was more in control.

"What is it?" Yudhisthir asks.

"Bhrata, I have seen the way Keechak looks at her. He is trying to find the Samragni Draupadi, his obsession, in her. If he discovers..."

"He won't live till then," Bheem growls.

"Nakul, when you pass by her chamber today. Tell her I have ordered her to come to me tonight," Bheem says leaving the place.

Nakul conveyes Bheem's order to Draupadi. When it was very late at night, Draupadi sneakes in the kitchen. Bheem was half laying on the bed mentally chanting Krishna's name to calm himself.

Draupadi slowly sits on the bed. First time in her life she is nervous in front of Bheem.

"Since when?" Bheem asks his eyes closed still.


"Since when?" Bheem's voice came out heated.

Draupadi gulps, "Since he returned."

"Did that bastard call you in his chamber before?"

"N..No... yesterday was the first time..."

Bheem opens his eyes, "And your reason of not telling us about this is?"

Draupadi looks down avoiding his eyes.

"Answer me," Bheem shouts.

Draupadi jumps on her place. Never ever Bheem raised his voice at her. Though he is infamous for his temper, Draupadi never saw that side of his. She is exhausted, heartbroken and anxious about what happened a few days ago. She breaks down like a little girl Infront of him.

Bheem immediately regrets his decision when he sees Draupadi's tears, "Priye."

Draupadi buries herself in his chest sobbing. Bheem also had tears in his eyes.

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