Chapter 21 : Satanika's Doubt

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Ghatotkach felt someone sneaking up behind him. He turned around in a flash to find two eunuchs. His brows furrowed. Where have he seen them?

"Pitashree, you?" Ghatotkach's voice laced in amusement as he recognized them.

"Putra, how are you?" Bheem asks embracing his son.

Ghatotkach took the blessings of Yudhisthir and Bheem. Both blessed them wholeheartedly.

"Pitashree, I am fine. How are you? What are you doing here in this attire?" Ghatotkach asks.

"It's a long story Putra. We came here to get your Mata and brothers back with us and earn their forgiveness," Yudhisthir answers.

Ghatotkach nodded understandably.

"Putra, Panchali and our sons don't know about us. And it should stay like this," Bheem says.

"Of course, Pitashree. They won't know...but..."

"But?" Bheem asks.

"If Mata Draupadi asks me I won't do adharm by lying to my mother. I will say the truth," Ghatotkach declared.

"Putra, you won't have to lie to your mother. Your mother doesn't suspect us," Yudhisthir says warmly.


"Yes, Putra,"

"Why did you leave maa in that state?" Ghatotkach whispers.

Pain was prominent on Yudhisthir and Bheem's face. They know one day their children will ask them this question. But they have no answer for them. They were wrong to stake Panchali, their beloved. But what can they do other than repent and ask for forgiveness?

"Putra, we are your mother's offendeds. We are the offenders of our own sons," Bheem whispered.

"Pitashree, it's so hard to see maa living like this. She smiles but that day haunts her everyday. She breaths but she smells dyuat Sabha in her every breath," Ghatotkach says.

Yudhisthir and Bheem lowered their head unable to listen.

"Pitashree, you all have to avenge Mata. I can't see Mata living like this. Her hair open as a widow, her body devoid of all auspicious jeweleries, her hands and feets are no longer stained with alta. Pitashree when I met Mata before the dyut Sabha, I always felt I am in front of Jagatmata Mahalaxmi herself. Mata Panchali is my Mata but she isn't living with the grace of a married woman,"

"Putra, we promise you every single person will be punished associated with dyuat Sabha. I will give Dussasan such a cruel death the world will shake in fear," Bheem growled.

"Yes, Putra. Your Mata's humiliation will be avenged," Yudhisthir promises also.

"Where is he?" Draupadi is looking for Satanika who is missing since morning.

Ghatotkach, Prativindhya and Sutasoma has gone to the forest to spend time there. That's really rare that Satanika didn't follow him.

"Nitya, where is my son?" Draupadi asks Nakul.

"Rajkumar is in the infirmary, Maharani," Nakul informs.

Draupadi went to the infirmary with Nitya by her side.

Satanika recalled his conversation with Shrutakarma last night.

"Bhrata, I know you notice this too. They are too suspicious," Shrutkarma says.

"Karma, you are doubting over nothing. They are really helpful to Mata," Satanika tries to assure.

"Bhrata, that day Mata was with Yuvani. And then suddenly she began to hyperventilate. You think it's a consequences too? Besides if Yuvani didn't do anything why did she and Bhumika ran away?" Shrutkarma argues.

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