Chapter 75 : Her Celestial Form

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Draupadi, Krishna and Karn were sitting quietly. Not even looking at each other.

"You know sakha? When Phalguni came to me to reconcile with his several wives, I asked him a question," Draupadi states.

"I asked whether he knows what happens when the purity of vows becomes stale,"

Draupadi sighs looking at a distant.

"He couldn't answer me. I guess in his heart he knew. Vows are very strong and weak. Before I failed to understand why Pitamah Bhism is so obsessed about keeping his vows. I know it now. If vows break then respect, trust, love everything crumbles,"

"Even if you ignore me from the picture, I really want answers why my children were treated so hushly in their own home," Draupadi's eyes hardened in anger.

"What do you mean, Draupadi? From the first I have been noticing that the relationship between your sons and their father is really bad. Isn't that because of Dyut Sabha?" Karn asks confused.

"No, Radhey. Apparently your brothers mistreated, neglected, insulted their own sons countless of time. I have asked them this question few months ago. Noone answered. They just apologized. That apology means nothing to me if they can't give any explanation," Draupadi says angrily.

"Is the reason..." Karn shifted uncomfortably.

Draupadi understood what he meant, "At first I thought that too. That because I have carried another's child, they are hostile towards others. But if Arjun was hostile towards Prativindhya or Sutasoma or others I would have accepted this fact. But this wasn't the case. You don't know how many times my Shrutkarma came to me crying because Arjun had been that much of a horrible father to him."

"Sakhi, I won't answer you on their stead. But I assure this wasn't the reason ever," Krishna says.

"Sakhi, the way you have opened your heart to me, why not to those who need to know this?" Krishna asks softly.

"I can't, sakha. Because somehow I am also at fault," Draupadi sighs.

"You are innocent, Draupadi," Karn exclaims.

"I am not. I have also made countless mistakes, Radhey," Draupadi gives a small smile.

"I knew none of the brothers will accept this one year term. But I was selfish. That's why I didn't call the others in front of Narad Muni and forced Yudhisthir to accept it. Because if Yudhisthir accepts it, others will also accept it with no questions even if they don't like it. Phalguni always knew him and I are special. I took such a decision without even telling him. He was angry, hurt, betrayed. To punish me he got away from me for 12 years," Draupadi closes her eyes the pain still fresh in her mind.

"It was deliberate?" Karn asks surprised.

"Why do you think there wasn't any weapon in entire Indraprastha only in my chamber?" Draupadi retorts.

"He went away. Leaving me behind," Draupadi whispers.

"That wasn't your fault as well. It took Parth some time to understand your love," Krishna says gently.

"I know you are telling me this to appease me. Sakha, in Panchal, I used to be regular in practicing weaponry. I missed one day and you scolded me very much about it. You said a warrior should practice against all odds. I jokingly said to you men find it very less ladylike. You became grim and said to me why should I define my life with what men wants from me. Why would I need a man's opinion to live my life? Took me a while to realize what you meant,"

"What was it?" Karn asks confused.

"Nari agar shanka tyag de to swayam Shankar baan jati Hein," Draupadi says.

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