Chapter 105 : The Unfortunate Princess

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Draupadi enters Krishna's chamber. Arjun is sitting on the foot of his bed.

"Krishnaa," Krishna calls her lovingly.

Draupadi huffs in fake anger, "When you were coming, why didn't you bring Abhimanyu and Sena with you, sakha? See, they are so late!"

Draupadi then notices Arjun's tensed expression and Krishna's somewhat awkward expression.

"What happened?" she was about to sit on the floor beside Arjun when Krishna pulls her to sit on the bed as well.

"Sakhi, I have a letter for you," Krishna says.

Draupadi looks at him curiously.

"Madhav, what's the need?" Arjun somewhat seemed desperate and distant.

"Parth, she should know. It's her right as well," Krishna gives her a letter.

Draupadi's heart pecks with curiosity as she opens the letter and was surprised to see no particular name of the sender. She looks at her sakha confused.

"Read and you will know," Krishna reads her mind.

Pranipath Samragni Yagnaseni,

I am someone who has no right to even look at your shadow, I am someone who's heart was tainted with the green monster of jealousy. I am a sinned soul but couldn't help but write you down somethings that will lessen the pain of my corrupted heart.

I saw you when you came with bhrata Krishna in Dwarka first. The entire Aryavarta knows of your divine birth, and Dwarka was prepared so brightly for your arrival. I was a curious young girl. Bhabishree Rukmini was so escastic she could finally meet you. She talks about you as if she has known you for years. She talks about you so fondly as if you are very dear to her.

When you stepped in Dwarka with Bhrata, it felt like something that was missing from Dwarka has returned. My parents, my whole family loves you no less than their own child. You are so familiar with my Bhrata Krishna. That's why Dao calls you both Krishna. And Bhratashree Krishna calls you Krishna's Krishnaa. When you come, Bhrata himself gets busy for your arrangements. You have your very own place in Dwarka.

Like everyone I was mesmorized by your empyrean beauty, your gait, your mischievous eyes, your giggles. You mixed with us so easily as if you have always been a part of us. What surprised me was your divine relationship with Bhratashree Krishna. I tried to define it so many times. I still do. Is it a love for brother? Is it a love for a friend? Is it a love for a lover? What is it? I failed everytime and I still have no answer to it. It simply goes beyond every definition of love.

I was scared to approach you. Your eyes were so pure and deep, I was scared you will feel my hostility just by seeing me. I didn't want to embarrass myself Infront of you. I don't know from when I began to consider you as a competition. Whatever I did, I had you in mind. I wanted to be in that place where you stand. The protagonist of the story.

I don't know if Arya told you how we married. Guessing from the situation, I will assume he did. You must despise me. I tricked him. Yes, I tricked him into this marriage. That's the only way I could be equal to you. I will share your husband. And the heartbroken look that you had seeing us together, it satisfied me to the core.

I was younger than you. Arya was sure to love his younger bride more, but how foolish of me to think that Pandavputra Arjun who is known for his outstanding control of emotions would ever give into lust. I was a fool to think of Arya as any other men. But I was content. Being the brother of righteous Yudhisthir, he fulfilled his role as a husband perfectly. But I felt something was missing and couldn't pinpoint what it was.

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