Chapter 101 : Punishment Served Properly

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Shrutasena frowns. His Pitashree Arjun's plan will fail completely not because it's incomplete because Duryodhana and other's are going to visit Matsya in a few days. If Pitashree Bheem kills Keechak, six of them will be easily caught. Shrutasena grows tense. What should he do now? The only way is to divert them. But how? Duryodhana won't be diverted in anyway if he thinks he has a chance to catch the Pandavas. 

Shrutasena concentrates. He won't let his mother live in the forest one single moment after this ends. He calculates times. In the speed that Duryodhana is moving towards Matsya, he will arrive before Bheem kills Keechak and one scream from Keechak and Duryodhana and others will catch them. But if he can delay their destination a littile more, there's a hope. But how? Shrutasena takes a deep breath and begins to think. 

Wait...except their mother noone can differentiate Shrutakarma and Arjun. Shrutasena's eyes sparkles. He calls out a messenger.

"Quickly, spread a rumor that Ashwathama is killed. Make sure before dawn, this news spreads all over Aryavarta," Shrutasena orders.

The messenger bow and leaves.

Shrutasena goes to his balcony and whistles. A peregrine falcon flies on his shoulder.

"Go and tell Shrutakarma that I have ordered him to appear on the boarders of South Matsya," Shrutasena kisses it's head.

His parents are in North Matsya. He must take Duryodhana away as far as he can. Shrutasena can only wait now. He has done his part.

"What!" Shrutakarma frowns as he sees the message. Matsya is already under their control. Why Shrutasena urgently asked him to go to South Matsya? He doesn't understand it very much but he figures it has something to do with his parents because only two days are left for them to finish their Vanvas. 

"Let's go Veer, don't run but fly today. You have my orders," Shrutakarma encourages his horse. 

Veer neighs and ran as fast as wind. Before dawn, Shrutakarma must reach the other side of Aryavarta. 

Pandavas have come up with a plan. Draupadi will ask Keechak to meet her tonight in his chamber. But it won't be Draupadi who will be there. Bheem will be waiting for him. Arjun will teach Uttara Tandavnritya so the screams will be covered. Yudhisthir will keep Matsyaraj busy in Dyut. Nakul and Sahadev will make the cows and horses make noises so none outside the palace hears Keechak's screams. 

As planned Draupadi invites Keechak in the chamber that night. She requests none should know about this and that's why Keechak can't keep any soldiers and maids near. Keechak agrees instantly. 

As planned, Keechak enters the room heavy on the drinks. He couldn't believe he got the most beautiful woman of Aryavarta on his bed tonight. He has imagined this multiple times. Now, he finally will make his dream come true. 

"Sairandhri," Keechak calls sweetly, "You have no idea for how many days I have waited for this moment. When I first saw you in Devapath. The divine city Devapath looked completely ordinary in comparison to you."

"Turn around," Keechak couldn't help the nude lust in his body.

Draupadi turns around. Keechak's breath was stopped, "How does any of your husbands stay away from you at all? It's impossible to not desire you every night."

Draupadi wished to slap this boy right on his cheeks. Keechak begins to step towards her but as soon as he took one step ahead. A wall of fire appears around Draupadi.

"What is this?" Kecchak asks angrily.

He turns around when he hears the sound of the door being locked. He immediately pales as he sees Bheem.

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