Chapter 37: Unexpected Meet

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Subhadra wiped her tears again. What's happening? Why is this happening? She loved Arjun. But is his love so deep for Draupadi that he can leave his warrior's pride without a second thought? Does he love her so much to leave his every sense, every pride, every wealth, his kingdom, all his fame at her feet?

And Draupadi? She always had everything as if she is entitled to everything in this world. Her sons are called the children of Aryavarta. Every house of Aryavarta speaks of their praise. Devapath is so beautiful and people there are extremely pious. Some say the Satyayug has returned there. People all around Aryavarta are leaving their birthhome to live in Devapath. And she is Maharani of that kingdom. Now her eldest son is getting married. She will have Mata Sita's direct bloodline as her daughter in law. She also bore Arjun two sons. Even Uloppi and Chitraganda has bore Arjun sons but she....Why is fate so cruel? Why is she left with no children?

Subhadra didn't know when she got herself lost into the forest behind the palace. No harmful animals come here as the princesses often come here to stroll. But fate wasn't helpful with Subhadra. Unfortunately from the smell of food that is cooked in Videhi for the feast reached some bears. And a pack of black bear was roaming nearby.

Subhadra stumbled upon a stone and got out of her thoughts. She looked around. When did she come here? So deep in the jungle. She looks around in fear as it's becoming dark slowly. Her heart started to beat faster in fear. She began to look around fanatically when her eyes fall on the bear family. Subhadra let out a scream in terror seeing one running towards her.

It took a lot of time for Draupadi to pray. She and Hidimba prayed for their sons safe future, their kingdom, their future daughter in laws and their grandchildren. As Ghatotkach's wife is pregnant. They also meditated for some time.

Fortunately for Draupadi, she met with Satanika there.

"Maa," Satanika ran to his mother embracing her tightly.

"My eyes are blessed to see you again, my beloved Satanika. What is this? How did you become so thin?" Draupadi embraced her son tightly to her chest kissing his forehead so many times.

Satanika grinned at his mother's love for him. He enjoyed being in his mother's arms after months.

"Maa, why did you come so late?" Satanika pouted.

"I had works to handle after you three left. I came here as soon as I heard," Draupadi smiles.

Shrutkarma, Shrutasena and Abhimanyu took his blessings. Satanika embraced his brothers tightly.

"The palace becomes so quiet without you, bhrata," Shrutasena says.

"Bhrata Sena, we finally had some peace after years and now you are spoiling it," Shrutkarma teases.

"Abhi, you have become taller," Satanika lovingly caresses his youngest brothers head.

Abhimanyu grinned showing his 32 teeth happily making Draupadi and Hidimba laugh in delight.

"Satanika, where are your brothers?" Draupadi asks.

"Maa, they with Mamashree Krishna are in the Sabha discussing with Videhiraj. I came to find you here as I knew you will come here first," Satanika says grinning.

Draupadi and Hidimba went on to their chariots. Satanika rod with his maa on her chariot placing his head on her shoulder nuzzling his face on her neck. He missed his maa too much.

They were passing through the forest and Draupadi was enquiring about what he ate, where he slept and other things. Suddenly they heard a scream followed by a growl that almost shook the ground. Draupadi became cautious immediately. She knows this voice.

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