Chapter 62 : Krishnaa is Krishna's

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Seeing two chariots coming, Pandavas became ready to welcome the guest.

"Where's Panchali? Two third of our guests come to see her only," Bheem jokes.

"Bhrata, she is meditating. Let's not disturb her," Nakul says.

The chariot stopped and Rukmini and Satyabhama came down.

"Pranipath, you two came here alone?" Arjun raises his eyebrows.

"Why? Who would dare to hurt the wives of Dwarkadhesh?" Satyabhama glares at Arjun playfully.

"I was worried about Rukmini. Who will try to come near you anyway," Arjun teases.

Satyabhama gasps in shock. Before she could engage in a fight with Arjun, Yudhisthir spoke.

"As much delighted we are to have you, is everything alright? You two coming in such an urgency..."

"We came to meet Krishnaa," they say.

"I told you," Bheem laughs.

"In this urgency? I hope everything is alright," Arjun narrows his eyebrows.

Rukmini and Satyabhama looks at each other before Rukmini decides to tell them the reason.

"Swami rushes to Krishnaa whenever and wherever leaving us in Dwarka. He lived in Panchal for eight years for her. We know Krishnaa worships Swami. But we also do it. Then why such partiality towards Krishnaa?" Satyabhama says.

Pandavas laughs. A question they also want the answer.

"I can get Satya's jealousy? But Rukmini you too?" Arjun laughs in delight.

Rukmini became a little embarrassed, "Who wouldn't? Because when we asked Swami this question the other day, he asked us to meet Krishnaa and seek the answer from her. He asked us to help with Krishnaa's hair decor."

"He send his beloved wives this far to decor Panchali's hair?" Bheem couldn't believe his ears.

"Panchali is meditating, Bhabishree," Nakul says.

"Swami also told us about it. He said she will know we are coming. Didn't he send any letter?" Rukmini asks.

"That's the problem. She somehow knows all the time when he comes. And for your information he didn't send any letter or anything," Bheem says frustrated.

Rukmini and Satyabhama looked at each other. The frustration and hostility was clear in Bheemsen's voice.

"Then let's go to her. She is beside the fountain," Yudhisthir says, "We can also get the answer if this question of our that we have been seeking for years as well."

They went where Draupadi was meditating.

"Is she singing?"

When they were near, they heard a sweet nightingale voice that soothed their heart and filled it with unknown joy. As if they are in Vaikuth away from all negativity and heart's restraints. They felt free, happiness and content filled their veins.

As they came near, their eyes were mesmorized.

Draupadi clad in a hermit's attire, had her eyes closed. A divine light was emitting from her. Animals of all sorts were surrounding her. A tiger and Lion were laying on her feet their eyes closed in calmness. Snakes were beside her and looking at her intently but not harming her one but. Wild boars were also calm and quiet. The fishes of the fountain have came up and was looking at her intently. Birds stopped singing and were sitting on the braches of trees. A huge deer was standing beside her eyes closed.

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