Chapter 38 : The Second Proposal

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Videhi is getting ready for their eldest princesse's marriage. Videhiraj isn't leaving a stone unturned. Prativindhya is the eldest of next Kuruvansa generation. Panchal, Hastinapur, Dwarka and Kingdoms thoughtout Aryavarta will attend this marriage. Guests are still coming. Draupadi has asked her sons to help with the preparations much to Videhiraj's relief. Sutasoma is with Prativindhya every second. Whereas Satanika and others are welcoming guests at the front door.

In Videhi, the first meeting between the bride and her in laws are celebrated. And Draupadi recently came to know about it. She must prepare a gift for her new daughter in law as well.

"Maa," Prativindhya and Sutasoma ran towards their Mata.

Draupadi had her arms stretched wanting her sons in them. Prativindhya and Sutasoma embraced their mother with force almost knocking her down if not for Krishna.

"Areh...what a mother's boy they are! You two almost knocked down my Sakhi," Krishna says playfully.

Draupadi kissed their heads affectionately making every person that were looking at them awe. Such a beautiful bond mother and sons have!

"My Prativindhya has grown up so much. I am so fortunate to see him getting married," Draupadi lovingly caresses her eldest sons face.

Prativindhya blushed looking down.

"Maharani, when will you meet your future daughter in law?" Maharani Sunali asks.

"Whenever you think it's appropriate, Maharani Sunali," Draupadi smiles at her.

"Then, Maharani how about at lunch today?" Maharani Sunali asks.

"That would be very appropriate time," Draupadi says.

Maharani Sunali and her second daughter Maya left the chamber to prepare everything. Draupadi noticed how briefly Sutasoma and Maya has locked their eyes. Later Maya turned away blushing and a small smile was played on Sutasoma's lips. Draupadi looks at her sakha who smiled back. Maya and Sutasoma has been friends after the coronation. They exchange letters and gifts frequently.

During Lunch, Draupadi, Hidimba, Karn, Krishna and six princes all came together with Videhi royals. After coming to Videhi, this is the first time Draupadi will meet Siyaanshi per rituals.

"Putri, you will ruin your makeup," Maharani Sunali lightly scolds Siyaanshi.

"Matashree, I am very nervous," Siyaanshi says.

"Why putri?" Maharani Sunali asks.

"Mata, I know Maharani Draupadi is a really amazing woman. Mata, she is so strong. And her sons live up to her legacy. Her only daughter is called one of the most intelligent woman of the new era. What if I disappoint her? What if I fail her?" Siyaanshi asks.

Maharani Sunali kept quiet for sometime, "Putri, Maharani Draupadi is called Mahabharti, the great wife of five glorious husband. Your father and I only met her a handful of time. When she emerged from the fire, on her swayamvar, at her children's birth. And every time she amused us to a different level. We could tell how Mahamahim Bhism was desperate to have her as his grand daughter in law. Putri, she was Samrat Yudhisthir's right hand. Dwarkadesh Vasudev consults her most of the time rather than her husbands. She was the finance minister of Indraprastha. So indeed your mother in law ought to be a person very hard to please and will have a high expectations from all her children and daughter in laws to live up to her legacy."

Siyaanshi paled listening to it. She became more nervous than before. Maharani Sunali wiped her daughter's sweat.

"Putri, she never attained those positions by marriage. She became worthy of them. Samrat Yudhisthir would say that all their glory, their strength, their fame, kingdom everything comes from her. He would say that his wife Draupadi is more obedient to dharma than Dharmaraj himself. Maharani Draupadi is the queen of this entire Aryavarta. She is the mother of Aryavarta, putri," Maharani Sunali says.

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