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Lunch soon came around, and as expected. The cafeteria was busy, more than usual as everyone was trying to sit in the warmth rather than outside in the snow. At first the snow was pretty, but now it was turning into more of a blizzard out there and it had all turned into slush from the footsteps

The 14 teens huddled around their table, talking about their dinner later that evening the guys promised to treat the girls to. All of them had brought a packed lunch as they knew the cafeteria line was going to be crazy, and it was crazy today. Hayun and Jungwon opened up their noodles and began eating. Nobody took notice of their food being the exact same or having the exact same coloured thermos, besides Ni-ki and Yoon of course, Who were watching like hawks.


The final bell rang and all 14 students made their way into town, which took a 15 minute bus drive to get to. They all waited by the bus stop, trying to cram under the shelter away from the snow storm that was happening.

Jungwon noticed that Hayun's nose was red again and that she was shivering slightly. So he took his scarf off and put it around her again, seeing her begin to warm up and her nose turning back to it's normal colour.

"Thank you.." she said, loud enough for him to hear but not anyone else

The bus arrived a couple minutes later and they all stood up jn the bus as there was no room left from all of the kids from other schools had sat in every single seat in there.

Jungwon held onto the pole above him as Hayun stood inbetween him and Eunji, with nothing to hold onto as it was either, already in use or she couldn't reach.

The bus made a sudden stop and she felt herself lean into Jungwon's chest, he put his hand behind her back, making sure she didnt hit herself back into Eunji.

Hayun could feel herself becoming a shade of pink at the sudden close contact with Jungwon, she could hear his heartbeat. It was fast. Just like hers right now.

She looked up at him, who seemed unfazed at this whole situation. Did he not care that she was literally leaning into him and he was hugging her?

However, he was actually freaking out more than she was. He could feel his heart humping oht of his chest as the girl was so close to him. He was able to keep a straight face infront of everyone else, but internally. He was going absolutely crazy.

The bus stopped at the location of where the restaurant was and they all pushed their way through the crowded bus to get out. Then they had finally made it to the restaurant, they entered and waited for a member of staff to come and take them to their table

"Hi there, do you have a booking?" A waitress asked us as we all looked around confused, we had to book?

"Yes, the name is Heeseung, Lee Heeseung" he spoke up and she found his name on the bookings list and took them over to their table

They quickly ordered their food and spilt into small groups of conversations, Jungwon and Hayun being in the same one.

"So what's up with you two being best friends all of a sudden?" Ni-ki asked, raising an eyebrow in curiosity at the two teens that sat next to each other

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