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around two months later

it was the day of their school trip, their first trip away for a whole week.

Nothing really important had happened between Jungwon and Hayun, there was the occasional hand holding. But that was it

"What are your feelings towards me Jungwon?"

The two teens frantically carried their suitcases down the stairs, putting on their coats at the same time.

They weren't used to waking up THIS early..

"What's the time, Won?" Hayun hurriedly put on her favourite pair of sneakers as the Jungwon rolled their suits cases out of the door

"5:40, WE HAVE TO RUN NOW LETS GO" Jungwon yelled as Hayun ran out of the door

"BYE LOVE YOU SEE YOU NEXT WEEK!!" They said as they ran down the front drive, while Mrs Yang came to the door, watching them scramble out, smiling warmly

"GOOOOOO GO GO" Hayun yelled down the street, weaving through the adults that were walking the opposite direction on the pavement

"SHIT! YUN IT'S 5:56" Jungwon said as they turned to the road where their school was

It felt like deja vu, like the first time they walked to school together.

They made it just in time, as the coach driver and some teachers were loading the suitcases onto the coach.

"Jesus guys, you can't keep turning up late to those kind of things" Heeseung scolded the two, putting a hand on his heart

"Ahah whoopsies" Hayun giggled as they handed their suitcases to the teacher

"Who's rooming together? It's in groups of 4 right" Jen asked, as they circled together

"I'm with Eunji, Yoon and Dae" Hayun listed out

"I'm with Jake, Ni-ki and Sunghoon" Jungwon replied

"It's just me Sunoo and Jay" Heeseung said and they nodded

"Ohh yeah we have an uneven amount of girls too, so it's just me Yeji and Chae" Jen said

".. who brought the drinks?" Yeji whispered as they all leaned in

"Me, I didn't get that many though" Jake put up his hand

"Class 3-1 let's load onto our coach now, we have to leave first" their homeroom announced and they all mobbed over to the entrance of the coach

Jungwon sat by the window seat and Hayun sat next to him with Eunji and Jake infront of them, then Yoon and Ni-ki sat behind them. Like their homeroom seating plan

Their coach left their school not long later and they began their long journey

"Can someone read out the itinerary?" Jay asked excitedly

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