13 ♡ princess of mischief

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You'd cleared your first battle, but it had taken pretty much everything you had. Not to mention that everyone watching probably thought you were some sort of pervert.

Shinsou was still unconscious, and Cementoss approached to pull him off the arena. He lifted the boy off the ground, handing him to one of the workers in charge of collecting the wounded. You studied his peaceful dormant expression. For the first time, you stopped to wonder what it must feel like, falling victim to your Quirk and losing your senses. You hoped it wasn't a painful, unpleasant feeling.

"Um, I'd like to go with him," you told the hero. "To the nurse's office, I mean. I just want to make sure he's okay."

Cementoss nodded rigidly. "That's fine, but aren't you wanting to stick around and watch the last battle of the first round?"

"It's alright. My classmates will catch me up on what happened."

Truth be told, you were very interested to see how the fight between Katsuki and Uraraka would unfold, especially since it meant you'd know who your opponent for the next round was, but you felt responsible for Shinsou's well-being at the moment. You'd never used so much of your powers on another person before.

"Okay. Just follow them."

Shinsou was taken off the terrain, and for the second time that day, you found yourself in Recovery Girl's office. She looked surprised to see you, and even more surprised to find out that your powers were the reason Shinsou was passed out.

"Well, you can stay here as long as you like," she told you. "I need to go run out and grab another box of supplies, but I'll be back soon."

You thanked her, taking a seat by Shinsou's beside. He didn't look to be in pain, though you supposed there was really no way for you to tell, with him being unconscious and all. Recovery Girl performed a brief treatment on him, just to be safe, so you weren't sure how much longer he'd be out for. The last battle was probably just getting started, but it was okay. You would wait.

Your eyes studied Shinsou's expression as the minutes passed. His chest was rising and falling in an even, timely manner. From this close up, you realized that he was a lot more attractive than you'd initially given him credit for, what with his defined jawline and symmetric features. His violet hair was wild and seemingly untameable, but when you reached out to touch it, you found that it was fluffy and soft.



You pulled your hand back, worried that you'd disturbed his sleep. It was surprising that he was shifting in place already, but you supposed Recovery Girl's treatment might have sped things up a bit. A gentle sigh left his lips, and his weary eyes slowly opened.

"Hello," you greeted timidly. "Are you feeling alright?"


Shinsou immediately sat up, his cheeks darkening in a matter of seconds. Even if he'd lost consciousness, you knew that victims of your Quirk still retained their memories of everything that had happened. You sort of wished that wasn't the case. It made things a little awkward, especially in a situation like this one.

"What the hell did you do to me?" he muttered accusingly, glancing around to his surroundings. When he realized he was in the nurse's office, he put two and two together. "So, I lost," he grimaced. "After you pulled that messed-up stunt, I actually lost..."

You clasped your hands together, feeling guilty. "I'm sorry. I'm sure you were really surprised by what I did, but... believe it or not, that was me using my Quirk on you. My powers have to do with love, attraction, affection, that kind of stuff. The two of us, we're actually pretty similar, since I can use my voice to command others to do certain things as well."

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