39 ♡ beautiful torment

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You inhaled sharply, clutching at your injured arm. It was a deep cut; the blood just wouldn't stop flowing. You did your best to apply pressure and squeeze down on the wound, but the sight alone was enough to make you feel queasy.

"That's... a lot of blood," you grimaced.

"[Name]!" Tokoyami cried out, holding you up by the shoulders. He glanced frantically between you and the eerie stranger hobbling closer. You could see the panic swirling through his eyes. Not good. This was no time to panic-the words that followed via Mandalay's telepathic message more than confirmed the gravity of your situation.

"Attention, all students! Two villains have invaded the area! It's possible there are still more lurking in the shadows! Those who are capable of doing so, head immediately to the facility! If you should come face to face with the enemy, do not engage them in combat! Continue your retreat!"

A villain. Yes, that was the normal conclusion to draw. It explained Aphrodite's earlier unease, as well. She'd known about the impending villain attack. She'd known, but she hadn't bothered to warn you. Why? And more importantly, how? You thought you'd taken all the precautions to make sure that something like this couldn't possibly happen. That was the whole reason the location of your trip had been changed last-minute. If they'd still managed to find out despite that, these villains must have had a dangerously efficient way of gathering intel.

"So beautiful," the villain mumbled again, saliva dripping down from his exposed gums. "I need... more... more flesh!"

More blades came hurtling towards you. Thankfully, Tokoyami was able to react in time, taking you into his arms and leaping out of the way. You skidded onto your knees and frowned, looking back at your assailant. To call them blades wasn't exactly accurate. His Quirk seemed to involve manipulating his own teeth and sending them out in sharp, jagged formations. You had no idea just how far he could reach, but you were obviously at a disadvantage against such a long-ranged opponent. Your Quirk probably wouldn't have any effect on a crazy bastard like him anyways. Running away was the safest option.

"Tokoyami-kun," you breathed, "we need to get out of here. You heard what Mandalay said, right? Her and Pixiebob were waiting back at the entrance to the forest... if there are two villains there, and one out here, there must be even more scattered around. We need to regroup with the pros to have the best chance at making it out. Can you use Dark Shadow to fly us out of here, like you did back at our internship with Hawks?"

He stared at your wound, at the blood dripping down your arm. "[N-Name], I'm-"

Another attack, but this time you were the one who had to pull Tokoyami aside. You jumped into the bushes, trying to get out of his line of sight. You didn't even know how the damn asshole was seeing what with his face totally covered. Maybe his other senses were just that developed? You'd have to try to be as quiet as possible.

"I'm okay," you whispered, holding him by the hand. "Can you do it? I'm sorry... I know I keep relying on you, but there's just no way I'd be able to get close enough to that guy to even try using my Quirk. We don't know how many villains there are, or what their powers do. But with Dark Shadow, we might be able to get away, and maybe even find the other students. If there's a bigger group of us, we stand a better chance at defending until we meet back up with the teachers."

Tokoyami shuddered. "Your arm... I'm so sorry, [Name]. If I'd just reacted faster back then..."

"It looks worse than it is, I promise. We can't keep hiding here. We need to run, okay?"

You squeezed his fingers, mustering up a small smile. At the time, you truly thought it was the right move. It was what made the most sense. But in your fear, your urgency, you'd failed to take note of it-no, worse yet, you had noticed, but you'd pushed it to the back of your mind, telling yourself that everything would be okay. You'd failed to take into consideration Tokoyami's frantic, broken expression, and his eyes that just kept looking over your left arm, which had become soaked with blood.

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