30 ♡ enchanting

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"I'm home," you sighed, pushing through the front door. Seriously, what a day. You'd been convinced you had no chance at passing and joining your friends at the forest lodge, but by some miracle, you'd managed to do it. And all it had taken was kissing one of your friends, so no big deal, right?

You were exhausted, in more ways than one, which is why the delectable scent that greeted you as you stepped into the manor was more than welcome. Mikael must've heard the alarm on the door go off and rushed over to greet you at the entrance.

"Welcome home," he smiled. "How did it go?"

"Tired," you laughed, "but I didn't fail, so there's that."

"I'm very happy to hear it. Freja's got dinner ready for us."

You sat down at the table, letting out a contented sigh. Freja always made sure to have food ready for you whenever you were hungry. It was nice to have a warm weal waiting when you'd just finished up a tiring day at school.

"So, you passed your exam?" Mikael asked, one of his cheeks stuffed like a squirrel. "That means you get to go to the training camp, right? You must be excited."

"Yep, I'm really excited." You spooned some extra rice onto your plate. "I was worried I wouldn't get to go along, since I thought the format of the exam was to go up against robots, but it turned out that we fought the teachers for our practical exam instead. At first I was relieved, but it turned out that the teacher I'd gotten paired up with was the one who could cancel Quirks out. Even now I feel like I got really lucky."

Freja smoothed a napkin down onto her lap. "All that matters is that you got through it. We were sure you'd make it out."

"Thanks," you beamed.

The food was delicious, as always, and Mikael made sure to fill you in on everything he'd been up to today. He'd managed to have a few of his pieces sold and shipped off to a gallery overseas, and he'd made some more progress on the painting he was currently working on. You hadn't seen what it looked like yet, which was odd, since he always allowed you to watch his process. He said it was supposed to be a surprise. You couldn't wait for him to be done with it.

"So yummy," you grinned, setting your chopsticks down. "You really make the best food, Freja. You should think of opening up a restaurant someday." You stood up, grabbed your dirty plate, and leaned over to give her a quick peck on the cheek. She chuckled softly, the smallest hints of embarrassment in her eyes.

"You're too kind, [Name]. I'm nowhere near that good."

"No, Freja, your food really is amazing!"

She scrunched up her nose. "Mikael, you really need to stop talking with your mouth full. I swear... a grown man with such a childlike habit. It's no wonder you're still single."

You rinsed off your plate and stifled a laugh. Mikael's jaw had gone slack, and he openly stared at Freja in disbelief. Some might even mistake their playful banter for flirting. They were already your family, so to think of them as dating, or a married couple? It wasn't all that much of a stretch.

Now that your belly was full, you felt a lot better. You hadn't sustained any injuries from your battle at all, unlike Izuku. Still, you were tired, probably from using your Quirk in a way that you hadn't done before. As per your command, Shouto had retained control of his powers, or rather, you'd retained control over his powers. There was still a lot of things that you didn't know about this power of yours. You now knew that there were ways to use it so that it could even render your opponent's Quirk useless. Thinking of it that way, there were certainly other aspects of it that you had yet to discover.

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