Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen | Mattio Civil War

Date 📆 June 2023

Some of the women in Fahayra's family had gathered at Fahayra's house for brunch. Fahayra thought that things needed to be worked out between the ladies.

Everyone arrived at Fahayra's brunch. Fahayra told them all she got them together to help them move past their issues.

So, she put something together at her house but things got explosive again between Fahayra's cousin Marlo and Kandi.

Marlo tried to explain herself and then got upset when nobody would let her talk.

"What the fuck are you talking about, Marlo? Do you know what I've been dealing with? I don't have to be there for you because you are a bitch!" Kandi exclaimed.

Fahayra was shocked, she didn't know her cousin and sister had this much tension between them.

"I'm so lost right now," Fahayra said.

"Kandi had agreed to host an event for me but she never showed up," Marlo said.

"I told you two weeks before I couldn't do it," Kandi told Marlo.

"No, you didn't!" Marlo shouted as she hit the table.

"Yes, she did. I was there!" Thairys screamed at her nemesis Marlo.

Thairys then acted like she was choking.

"Sorry, it's her bullshit that got stuck in my throat," Thairys said.

"I really hate that you are dragging this thing out," Kandi told Marlo.

Marlo said the issue was about Kandi being there for her after she promised to host the event which hosted Marlo a lot of money and Evodia asked everyone to just listen.

"Listen to bullshit," Kandi said.

"I can't do this," Marlo said.

Marlo got up.

"I can't even be around people that are so disrespectful like you two," Marlo told Kandi and Thairys, before walking away.

"Bye-bye," Thairys said as she walked out.

Marlo left the house as Fahayra chased after her.

"Marlo, slow down I'm pregnant, I can't be doing all of this running, chile," Fahayra said as she tried to catch up to Marlo.

"I thought I was coming to a brunch, not my crucifixion," Marlo said to Fahayra.

"Just come back and talk it out with them," Fahayra said as she finally got Marlo to stop walking away.

"I can't deal with Kandi and Thairys, those bitches are evil," Marlo said.

Inside, Kandi and Thairys were talking about Marlo.

"It's because she's a fucking bitch," Thairys said, completely over Marlo. "Look at how you treat people, your family! Ain't no loyalty in it. The bitch sold her pussy for a bag, okay? That's what her brand is, okay? She has insides with Kandi and is claiming that because she didn't show up to host an event that's why she's mad at her like bitch be fucking for real. She's a hater," Thairys added.

Fahayra convinced Marlo to come back in. Fahayra and Marlo walk back into the house and enter the dining room.

"Let's try this again," Fahayra said.

"Okay, Kandi, I get that you're going through something, but my problem is don't communicate with people. You just do what you please, and people just have to go along with it. It's not that fair," Marlo said.

"You're so full of shit," Kandi said.

"You are using this to try and get some sympathy for yourself when I told you that I couldn't do it and even returned the payment for hosting. You are trying to drag it. You are going to drag me every chance you get. You want me to be the bad guy in your life so bad, Marlo, it's sad," Kandi said.

"You're selfish," Marlo said. "You are a selfish, spoiled, privileged girl," Marlo added.

"This isn't going exactly how I wanted it to go," Fahayra admitted.

"Because Marlo has no reason to be mad at Kandi. She gave her the money back and informed her two weeks before the event she couldn't host it. God damn it the woman found out her husband is cheating on her like give her some grace," Evodia said, annoyed by the situation.

"Everyone is always team Kandi in this family, but Fahayra got cheated on too, plus she's on bed rest and she still managed to do all of her work commitments, where's her grace in all of this?" Marlo asked the table.

Fahayra held her hand up.

"Hey now, let's keep me out of this because I don't have anything to do with your beef. Y'all need to grow up and admit y'all just don't like each other and that's okay. Family doesn't always get along with each other," Fahayra said.

Marlo said she just wanted to explain to Kandi that she was hurt.

"And I apologized for the inconvenience but you're dragging it, you're making the situation even worse for me. The only reason you are doing this is to gain attention for yourself. I cannot," Kandi said, her voice cracking.

"She's trying to bring that up like I did something to her, Marlo has no reason to be upset with me," Kandi said, crying.

Catya hands her sister a napkin to dry her tears.

"I don't think Marlo has a real issue with Kandi, so let's drop this and move on," Thairys said as she wiped away her own tears.

Catya and Fahayra also had tears. The Mattio sisters were very emotional. It didn't take a lot for them to start crying, especially if one of them was crying, then all were crying. That's how connected they were to each other.

"Marlo, can you move on from this or not?" Evodia asked Marlo.

"Honestly, Aunt Evodia, there is a level of me that doesn't trust Kandi," Marlo said.

Thairys rolled her eyes.

"You're the only one here who shouldn't be trusted," Thairys said.

"See, she always has someone jumping in for her, doing her dirty work," Marlo said.

"Marlo, enough," Fahayra said as she was now over it. "Just say no, that's it, Marlo, you don't want to move on, okay we get it!" She added.

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