Chapter Forty-Seven

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Chapter Forty Seven | Two Months Later

Date 📆 August 2024

I unlocked the front door. "New house alert!" I shouted in excitement as I walked into my new house.

The moment I decided to file for divorce, I immediately began house hunting, wanting to leave the family home for Joe and the kids. I imagined it would be too difficult for Joe to move the children to a new place, so I opted to find a new home for myself instead.

"Girl, you did your thing with this place," Catya said as she walked in, looking around the foyer.

I smiled. "Thank you, I was a little nervous to make such a big purchase like this at first but it was the right thing," I said.

Going through a divorce has been extremely stressful, particularly because Joe is contesting it. He was convinced we would reconcile after separating, but when I filed for divorce, it sent him into a downward spiral.

Though I had always tried my hardest, I realized that after everything that happened, I could never stay with Joe. Giving birth in the same month as Galina was the final straw that pushed me over the edge to leave him. By then, I was done with the marriage. Despite my efforts to make it work, I could no longer pretend to be happy or ignore what had occurred, so I ended the relationship.

When I told Catya about my divorce, she hugged me and said she knew it was coming. Everyone else was surprised I was going through with it.

"I'm so proud of you, Fah," Catya said.

"Thank you," I said.

I gave Catya a tour of the house as I shared my plans for the home's interior. "It's gonna be the safe and happy place for me and all of my kids," I said, before once again expressing how proud I am of the house purchase.

"This house represents to me all the hard work I put in, putting myself first, and enjoying the fruits of my labor, new energy, looking forward to creating so many memories here," I said.

"This house is so beautiful. It's perfect for you," Catya said.

"I know," I said.

"And the other house is very close," Catya said.

"Yeah, this is another way for me to have my autonomy. I did not want the kids to have to do a crazy amount of traveling between Joe and me," I explained to Catya.

We took a seat at the bottom of the stairs when Catya asked me about how things had been going between Joe and me.

I sighed as I confessed to Catya, "It's been strange. I don't think he grasps that we're getting divorced. He's been very romantic, showering me with extravagant gifts like a Rolex, flowers, and a dinner prepared by a renowned chef. Just yesterday, he gave me a diamond crucifix necklace, but we had a bitter fight soon after." I rolled my eyes.

"What did you guys fight about?" Catya asked.

"He felt that I shouldn't have dropped his last name," I answered.

Earlier this week, a judge granted my motion seeking a legal change of my marital status and dropping Anoa'i from my name.

See even if the divorce isn't final the court can allow a person amid a complicated divorce to become legally single while issues of child custody and property are worked out.

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