Scaring The Village Children With Fire

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Also this fic contains heavy spoilers for One Piece. Reader beware.

First off, what the fuck?

First, you die, second, you almost die again to some kinky Venom impersonator, and third, now you're being looked at like you just killed God.

Well, you might've punched the exorcist out of pure fear, but it was his fault for being so scary. He had no right to wave a knife around you like that, and you were sure he was going to 'banish the demon' by banishing your heart from your chest.

Also, you had never seen someone's soul leave their body so fast in the moment you even approached the priest to scare him off. No regrets.

But now you were alone in a room with the king of the kingdom, apparently.

Who was also your dad? Weird shit.

He was the only one who didn't seem bothered in the slightest by the new arms that were absolutely going to be haunting you in the coming future. They were indeed a very inky black and still had the effect where it didn't allow light to shine on it.

It really is freaky...

You had your brows scrunched up as you gave your new arms an experimental wiggle. Yeah... those were your arms now. With full feeling in both of them. Bummer. You weren't a doctor, but you were sure that you could perform an emergency amputation.

The arms were more or less the same and looked relatively identical to your actual arms. but the main thing you noticed was that the nails on your hands were just a bit more pointed. Not that much to be worried about, but enough to the point where you could notice.

Your only goals now were to live the most batshit insane life you could imagine while not being suspicious.

Sure, you woke up in your fifteen-year-old body and absolutely hated and loved that you just subtracted ten years of your life, but whoever the previous soul that inhabited the body or the person that replaced you would be the one that other people knew.

Way to be isekai'd- you must've gotten pasted against the ground by a truck for your good deeds on planet earth.

"(Name), have you been... well? Is everything doing alright?"

"Huh?" you snapped out of your thoughts and looked at the hulking figure of the man before you. You hoped that you weren't smiling evilly to him. That was a habit that was difficult to drop.

"Uh, yeah, dad, I'm fine." Shit, was that suspicious? I don't think it was.

He was mildly concerned at your reply, but relatively unaffected, however. Must've been used to this, the poor sap. He looked like he had been through the wringer. "The maids told me that you appeared to be having a nightmare."

"Nothing of the sort. I just, uhm..." you thought of a lie as fast as you could. "I just really don't like... rats. I had a dream about rats." sorry Remmy. I didn't mean it.

"... I see." His eyes didn't leave yours. "So, you're alright."

Oh, shit oh fuck how do I fix this? You cleared your throat and smiled at him, trying to hide your new arms with your main set. "Are you okay, dad?"

Your tone, your posture, it was clear that he was gradually being affected by this. The one emotion that was constant was just confusion and concern. Soon enough, annoyance. You were pretty good at annoying people.

He was now rubbing his temples with his fingers, appearing to be more miffed. "I'm fine, (Name)."

"You don't look fine–"

Demons, Swords, And Other Things That Nearly Killed MeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora