Fun Times With Four Eyes

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You were horrible at making decisions.

That's why you had Tashigi with you!

Until it turned out that she was also horrible at making decisions.

In hindsight, yes, it was a good idea to bring Tashigi so she could help you pick out your swords. The only downsides were that she was a nerd for swords and also didn't know how you fought. You were just standing off to the side as Tashigi rapidly looked from sword to sword, referring back to her small handbook which had some of the sword's information.

She might've wanted you to have some of the more 'famous' swords or something. Even the most famous things here only had a small section dedicated to them in her booklet. You were completely unbothered by how long she was taking. It gave you more time to look around. You'd probably be bothered later by how long she took, though.

I wonder when I'm going to start training... You thought, taking a seat on one of the barrels that was in the shop. Maybe tomorrow. I hope I don't have to fight Smoker.

Even though Kosai feared that man, he would also like to see you try to beat Smoker in a fight. "You would get pasted against the ground by him. I hope you do end up fighting him."

You're so mean to me. You glanced at the shop keeper. He was the one who had tried to buy Kuina's sword off of Zoro.

" 'Scuse me."

He did not look pleased that Tashigi was here. "Yes? Anything I can help you with?"

"I know you're..." Probably going to scam me. "Uh, the owner of this shop, right? Do you have any recommendations? It could help both of us out."

He leaned forward and set his arms on the counter. "Depends on what you're looking for."

"I'm a complete novice when it comes to sword fighting," you admitted. "--but I'll take anything that's got a good reputation. Or holds up well. Also, what's the limit of swords that I can buy?"

"What's your budget?" Oh, so it depended on money. That made more sense. You could probably buy the entire store if you wanted.

You couldn't just go around telling people that you were a princess, so you'd just keep it vague. "Well... I can afford to buy four swords. Maybe five if I need a backup."

You watched as his eyes almost turned into Beri. That looked a little off putting now that you were seeing it in real life.

"Girl calm down."

He did not

Next thing you knew, he was probably showing you some of the most expensive swords in the shop. You were just listening to what he said with a blank look on your face. You literally couldn't care less about what swords you ended up buying. Instead, you were just checking which ones had the coolest colors. Did they look badass? Were they cool? These things mattered.

Hm. None of them are my favorite color. That blows.

"Why is that the criteria?"

I mean I have to learn the same sword style as a stupid giraffe, so I might as well look hotter than him while doing it.

"Really. I'd say you should go for that one right there."

You head, following Kosai's command, moved slightly to the side. Dead center in your view was a sword. Your brows raised in confusion. It was behind a glass case next to many others.

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