I'm Self-Diagnosing, Something Is Wrong

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Sometimes, Buggy hated Crooner

Scratch that– he hated him a lot

From his atrociously down-bad attitude directed at anyone who gave him attention, to that stupidly handsome face of his, Buggy often found himself being the object of Crooner's desire. Or affection. Willingly (Buggy would die before admitting it) or unwillingly. Either way, he was always being smothered by attention from the man.

Whether it be in Crooner's hugs, tits– which were contributing to his already massive ego, in his clouds– just– anything. Buggy was smothered a lot.

Like right now

Crooner had the grip of a man who hung off the edge of a cliff. The sun had already risen– but Buggy was still in bed. It's not like he wanted to be– he had things to do and treasure to find. (Also, he had to hunt down Straw Hat Luffy– but that was for another day).

Right now, the only thing that was holding him down was Crooner. Well– the weight of Crooner's secrets did, too, but that only happened when he realized that damn cloud-haired captain kept him up at night with his emotional baggage.

His arms, all four of them, were firmly wrapped around Buggy's back. He was being hugged from the front (not from behind, which would've been easier to deal with)– and Buggy could not pry Crooner's hands off for the life of him. Was he just welded to this guy now?

Even though Buggy had been bribed with money, he thought to himself that he shouldn't have taken the deal. Ever. That was the worst decision he ever made– especially regarding his pride.

Yeah, sure, Crooner just "wanted to sleep near someone". Because the two hadn't slept near each other since their time on Roger's ship– Buggy completely forgot about how clingy Captain Airhead was. Clingy motherfucker. Buggy could barely breathe over here– nearly being suffocated between his tits.

He had a flat look on his face, void of any of his usual makeup, as he tried to untangle his legs from Crooner. That, of course, didn't work, and Buggy was only pulled closer as a result. He huffed and tried using more force this time around– pushing against Crooner's chest. (And don't ask if he tried using his Devil Fruit to escape– When Crooner slept, he could enter three forms regarding his own powers, and if he's having dreams or not)

No dream; Solid state

Nightmares; Solid state, but hair turns black and thundery

Lucid dreams; Semi-solid state– A few fingers or limbs might be clouds

Nice dreams; Semi-solid state, but his room ends up becoming very cloudy

Don't ask why Buggy knew this– it's not like he cared or kept track of it. It was just common knowledge at this point. There was no other reason that he knew this. Not one. Crooner did it so much that it was starting to get annoying. And it's also not like Buggy stayed up late at night thinking about him.


Crooner was clearly having a nice dream, because if Buggy wasn't being clung to like a lifeline, then the clouds that came from him kept the clown in place. Crooner hummed softly, nose buried in the crook of Buggy's neck.

"Mnn... Stop moivn' so much..."

"LET ME–!" Buggy inhaled sharply before lowering his voice. Not that much, though. He only knew two volumes. Shouting and screaming. "Let me go!"

He sighed against Buggy's neck. The action made his skin warm. Buggy felt like punching Crooner. "Nah, don't wanna. I'm warm." I'm starving, though... Where's that damned goopy bastard, anyway? He's been gone for months now. Jin, even if he was with Crooner, would probably let him starve.

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