Cooking Up Testosterone

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      You never thought that a single painting would move you to tears

You also didn't think that it was possible for something like a painting could evoke such strong emotions. But here you were, tearing up, over the simplest of things.

...Then again...

Your captain was Monkey D. Luffy, and he was the master artist. So as you looked up at Laboon, who's scars had been painted over with the flag of the Straw Hat Pirates, a tear fell down the side of your cheek as you wept silently.

You turned away from the whole fiasco and bit your lip as you trembled with laughter. You couldn't take it anymore. Luffy was unintentionally the funniest person on the planet, and he didn't even know. No wonder he left every island while bringing joy and happiness.

If you didn't know him, and he randomly showed up to Crow Island one day, got himself into a strange situation, and left like nothing happened, you would've pissed yourself while laughing.

But he looked so proud of himself as he finished painting-- If you laughed, you wouldn't be able to forgive yourself. You had to try and keep it together for your own dignity, which had already been reduced to atoms by this point.

You were gripping your sides as you calmed your breathing. The- The fucking tiny band-aid is what's doing it for me. And it's funnier that I can't laugh.

Kosai, the lucky bastard, chuckled freely without a care. "I think it's rather creative. But I don't understand why you don't laugh at this-- when you laugh at everything else."

That's the worst thing you could've said. And I don't laugh at this because I choose not to.

"I see. And by the way, it's not the worst thing I've said. I only speak the truth."

Yes, and your honesty is harsh.

You were unfortunate enough to make eye contact with Usopp, who was also struggling to contain himself. The eye contact lasted for about three seconds until you both turned away and began to muffle your laughter.

Laboon let out a happy hum as Luffy crossed his arms. He was acting like he had just finished his life's masterpiece as he looked at his artwork. Luffy was also covered head to toe in white and yellow paint. Oh– If he tried to jump on your back– you might actually have to throw him into the ocean.

"There! That will be the sign of our promise to fight again!" The boy declared, nodding to himself.


You dried your face with your sleeve. At least he's happy. That's all that matters– Laboon looks less sad.

Luffy pointed at Laboon as he continued to speak. "Don't go bashing your head against the wall and make the mark disappear by the time we return, ya hear?"


The ravenette grinned. "Good!"

Nami sighed lightly as she took a seat at the table, rolling a map out on the table. "Time to check our navigational route!"

You slid into the seat next to her. "I don't know much about maps, but I'll help."

You tried your best, even though you already knew what was going to happen. For the time being, you just went over the route with her. Your contribution was warning her about the weather. You'd be fine with her navigational skills– but it didn't hurt to be more prepared.

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