I Feel Funny (Fatal Character Flaw)

459 31 9

A day had passed

An entire day

The fever's symptoms slowly increased

Ignoring the needle pointing towards Alabasta, the Straw Hats are in desperate need for a doctor, as their own "doctor" couldn't heal a goddamn cold. Literally, he could do everything but that. It was a bit insane, and they couldn't help but be in disbelief after learning that the healer on their crew could heal a damn thing.

It wasn't Kosai's fault that he could only heal physical injuries like cuts and burns, and not illnesses! He didn't mean for this to happen! What, did they think that Kosai was the one to get (Name) and Nami sick? No!

He can't do everything. Still, it was jarring to only be figuring this out now.

Sanji, Vivi, and Karoo (even though the duck wasn't really needed) were on (Name) and Nami watch duty. They would take care of the two while the others stayed on the lookout for another island that they could dock at.

Sadly, the ship still didn't have an indoor heating system, so Vivi and Sanji layered up and kept the girls at a stable temperature. Though (Name) was probably at a risk of suffocating with all of the pillows that she surrounded herself with before she went back to bed.

(Of course, (Name) bitterly thought to herself that Kosai wouldn't let her do jack shit because he said "no" when she wanted to cuddle with someone. She didn't just want to hug someone)

"I hope they're feeling okay... Their temperatures haven't gone down at all..." Vivi muttered, looking down at the girl in front of her.

Beads of sweat were on (Name)'s forehead as she breathed in and out slowly, her chest rising and falling. Her face wasn't scrunched up in pain– They had given her some painkillers because she couldn't fall asleep without something to combat her horrible back pain.

Nami wasn't doing so well either. They couldn't tell who was doing worse at this point anymore. It was just as bad on both sides.

Like (Name), Most of her energy was gone, and she didn't eat much food. (Yes, shocking. (Name) wasn't eating as much. She either tried to talk to someone, which was shut down quickly by everyone, or went back to lying down on her bed, not sleeping). Not only did Sanji walk back to the kitchen with the most depressed and heartbroken look on his face, but he cried face-down on the floor until Vivi went to go and retrieve him.

They were eating less than they should've been eating. They had no energy because they weren't eating, and they weren't eating because they had no energy. Oh, how Sanji's heart felt as if it had been ripped out as Nami returned a mostly full plate of food to him. He would probably never recover after this.

Sanji's brows creased in frustration. He wanted to smoke– but he'd hold off until it was his turn to go outside. "I... I hope so too, Vivi. I'm sure they'll be fine."


The weather, once again, was cold. Freezing, frigid– the works. But it wasn't like they hadn't come across this weather before. The only difference was that nobody was trying to play around in the snow that settled on the Going Merry's deck.

It snowed heavily outside. The three boys weren't dressed properly at all– but the most that Zoro had was a blanket that he had thrown over his shoulders. The moment he had woken up that morning, he was mercilessly thrown outside to go be on watch duty.

Still, he was covered in layers of snow. He was going to catch hypothermia if he kept it up. He refused to take any of (Name)'s spare jackets because he hated asking for help and was a stubborn bitch.

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