Cursing God And Baking Cookies

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        You were always the first person up and awake on the Going Merry

Granted, you were always the first one to fall asleep when night fell, and you certainly weren't a morning person, but you were always up.

Hell, today you weren't even dressed yet. You were still in your pajamas, and you could care less. (You weren't really feeling peppy today– your back was acting up once again. It didn't hurt as much anymore, but it bothered you) The only thing you had bothered to put on over your sleepwear was a plain apron so you could bake.

You decided that you'd make cookies today. Just regular chocolate chip, because you liked those ones the best. You were lucky that Sanji never needed to use the oven in the morning, too, since it meant that you had free reign over it.

It got you thinking. Should you try making breakfast? You felt like it was a good idea. Baking and cooking were the only thing that was helping ease your embarrassment as you tried to recover from your crew's short escapades on Crow Island. You will never forgive Sai for pulling out the childhood photos. That was your kryptonite.

You dramatically wiped away a non-existent tear as you started mixing in the flour to the batter. Just when I thought Sai was a serious man– it was all an act. I'm never going to trust him with a camera again.

"Your baby pictures were funny."

Shut the fuck up, Kosai. I may have gotten some of the memories from the past (Name), but that doesn't mean those were mine.

"It's literally a carbon copy of your body."

Someone needed to save you from the embarrassment you felt. Your time on Crow Island was short, but your family certainly made a lasting impression. Mainly, it served as blackmail for both Nami and Zoro (fuck Zoro, he was doing this to mess with you and also to make fun of you).

Not to say that you didn't enjoy your time there. Crow Island had many things– and Nami seemed very insistent about going to the castle so she could "look around". When you all actually left the island, you were sure that there was more furniture than there originally was in the first place on the Going Merry.

Good thing you warned Sai beforehand to hide anything that he liked. Now you were the only one who had to deal with Nami's expenses, because you couldn't use the excuse that you were poor. You still accepted your fate. You, too, were expensive. You liked expensive clothes and food.

"I'm impressed that Sai convinced you to take the nectarine and peach trees onto the ship."

You wilted. I'm just glad that Nami doesn't mind sharing some of the space for the garden. When we get Sunny, we'll probably be able to fit even more trees here. I really want a cherry blossom tree if we can have one. Until then... just three peach and nectarine trees.

"And about a thousand jars of preserved fruits."

This time, you facepalmed– your other hands working on mixing more flour in. Heat crept up from the base of your neck at the reminder– Sai must've really missed you if he decided that you would need an entire grocery store worth of supplies to just make it to Loguetown.

Please don't remind me. They restocked most of the ship with fresh fruit and other fresh foods. Not to mention salted fish and other meat.

Kosai laughed, and you went back to working in silence. By the time you put the cookies in the oven, the sun was starting to rise –just barely– and you could hear everyone start to wake up. You hummed to yourself and ate a spoonful of raw cookie dough that you set to the side for yourself and Kosai.

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