Revenge Is Better Than Rest

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        Waking up to the rain was always a pleasant experience. Waking up to the rain, underneath blankets and a fur coat that belonged to an ex-Shichibukai was even better. All you were doing these days was waking up suddenly because someone kidnapped you– but this was a nice time to be roused from your slumber. You felt... safe. So safe.

You didn't care that you were a bit achy– but you were sure that most of your things were healed.

"I can't believe that you call your wounds 'things'," Kosai said.

You shifted around in your bed, which you do not remember getting into, and pulled Crocodile's coat over your head. I call things a lot of things.

"That... Doesn't make sense."

You hummed softly, smiling. I know.

He was quiet for a short moment. When Kosai spoke again, you noted that his voice was much softer. "Are you alright? You were pretty banged up yesterday."

I'm fine, You thought, nestling further into the blankets. The weight that the fur coat brought to you was incredibly relaxing. The pressure was appreciated.

Feelings wise– you felt soft. You didn't know how that was possible, but you wanted to just be all affectionate with your friends now to rid the rest of your body of the bloodlust you showed the day before. A nice calmness was washing over you. The silence after the battle was comforting at times. Now you were safe, with your friends, and Alabasta... was saved. You were happy. Content. At peace with the world.

"You have to apologize to Koza."

You turned over. Fuck no.

"Do it and I'll help you buy candy for everyone." No, he wouldn't-- he would eat it when you weren't looking.

You sighed silently through your nose. He drove a tough bargain, didn't he? What a smooth bastard. Whatever– you'd apologize to Koza. Alright. He probably wants some flowers too, since I gave him enough injuries to prompt a visit from the doctor.

"He's also recovering."

Yeah, I figured. His left hook is pretty weak.

"(Name)..." Kosai warned, getting a smile out of you.

Got it– Got it. No more messing around.

You scraped your tattoo off of your chest and waited until Kosai began to form. Once he became more solid, and the usual size for the usual routine, you smiled.

It's cuddle time, bitch.

If you were happy, Kosai was happy. (Most of the time you were happy was when you were simping over people you most certainly shouldn't be). Still– he was glad that this was over and you finally got some actual rest. That shit you were pulling at Rainbase? That wasn't a rest at all. Not even close. You were in such a panicked state that you just reversed all of your emotions, so you were calm.

Thunder boomed from outside, sounding distant, and the rain continued to patter against the windows as the sky became a dark grayish blue. Through the dark he saw you. Your eyes had closed again– as you were trying to go back to sleep, and you shifted around until you found a more comfortable position. Laying on your side with a pillow in front of you and behind you– where he was also pressed against your chest.

He listened to your heart. It beat rhythmically, only speeding up or slowing down a bit when your breathing calmed.

You were... reckless. A lot of things, actually. Kosai couldn't put it into words properly. You said you were simple, which was a complete and utter lie to lure unsuspecting marriage candidates into getting to know you more.

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