No Question About it, I Am Ready to Get Hurt Again

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       "Is it easy?"

Wyper nodded. "It's as easy as brushy hair. Like I said. I'll show you... You should learn how to take care of your wings, anyhow. I'll be back with what I need."

The raider stood up before you could say anything else, and walked away. Taking your time, you turned around fully so you could see Robin again, the one crew member who was alright sticking back so you would have some company. You stared at her for a moment before smiling.


Robin smiles back, making you want to scream and roll around on the ground. "Hello."

"How're you holding up? Were the ruins of the golden city nice?"

You didn't get a chance to look at them, with Enel stomping on you and all. YIPPEE!!

The archeologist nodded thoughtfully. "Looking at the ruins was nice."

It was well known that Robin loved to look at historic things. She loved them so much she'd attack someone to preserve history. Honestly, you wish you were with Robin the entire arc of Skypiea. That would've been a lot more fun than getting plucked off of the ground by Enel like he found a cool and shiny rock. You were never, ever, ever going to live that down.

"That's good. I hope they weren't ruined that much during Enel's torment," You mutter. "But are you sure you're not hurt at all?"

Robin looks at you, the girl with three broken ribs, before a small twinkle comes to her eyes. "I'm alright."

You nod. "You can leave if you don't want to hang around me anymore. With everyone partying and all."

She shook her head, resting her chin on her palm. "I'll stay."

Forever in the crew, Robin means. Yeah, she doesn't know that she agreed to stay in the Straw Hats after Luffy brought her into the crew. That means she will be staying by any means necessary. Including declaring war against the world.

"If you say so." Till death do we part, Nico Robin.

A little while later, Wyper returned with a brush, and he moved to sit down behind you. He got to the point quickly and started teaching you how to take care of your wings.

"Brush them like this. Outwards and following where the feather points. You'll have an easier time reaching your back because of your arms."

You lightly shuddered as Wyper firmly ran the fine-bristled brush against your wings. It didn't hurt. It was just a new sensation to you and you felt weird. "To... Clean them, too?" You ask, as the raider places a hand on your shoulder so he can continue to brush off the feathers.

You couldn't quite see it, but there was a bit of dirt on your back from your tussle with Enel, before he absolutely bodied you and broke your bones. Wyper was cleaning it off so it wouldn't get stuck in your wings and get all sticky and muddy.

I wonder if I have to shower differently...

You're unsure, so you ask. Wyper informs you that you can shower as normal. You're happy because now you can finally take a goddamn shower and rid yourself of the ick that Enel gave you.

Wyper brushed off the top part of your wings before moving onto some feathers that were more closely poking out of the base of where they sprouted. At first, they'd involuntarily twitch when he touched them. The more comfortable you became, the less you reacted. Wyper did note that you tensed when he touched the skin of your back. He'd refrain from doing that anymore– if they just sprouted then it was arguably still tender.

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