There Is Only One Correct Opinion And It Is Mine

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        Luffy grins, looking all around him, taking in the sights. "Seems like there are all sorts of people here!"

Zoro smirks. "Looks to me like a fun city."

"Don't be idiots," you comment. There should be a store that sells albums for photos.

"Don't get robbed," Kosai warns. "Even if you do, I won't fight back."

I won't. Maybe.... Probably not. Now wasn't the time to be in a fighting spirit in the first place. You, specifically, had things to do. After that– you were going right back to the ship. If you could– you'd accompany Luffy and Zoro to make sure nothing happens while you're away. You might be an idiot but you're not a dumb bitch.

"I strongly disagree with that statement."

You're already walking away with them, away from the safety of the ship. Your mask is secured against your face. A satchel is safely secured against your side, with your arms hidden under the cloak, and Annan is at your opposite hip. "Fighting isn't smart here. Wouldn't do it if I were you."

"Wait! Luffy! Zoro! (Name)!!"

At Nami's call, you glance over your shoulder. Nami is running towards the three of you, looking frantic.

Luffy gets shook back and forth as Nami yells at him, Zoro standing by idly, and you watching in amusement, until she gets the message through. 'Do not cause a scene'. Just like you had warned them– Nami was taking a page out of your book.

"This goes for you too, Zoro!"

He nods. Nami's eyes skip over you and you get the message as well. She trusts that you won't do anything reckless.

Luffy walks forward robotically, arms stiffly at his sides. "I promise not to fight with others in this city," He repeats, exactly like Nami had said.

The navigator's arms cross. "Good. You two mean it, right?"

"Yah," they both say.

It didn't sound like they meant it

"If you guys cause any trouble– we won't be able to stay here anymore. Meaning we won't get to go to sky island."


Unexpectedly, and out of nowhere, for the other three- that is– a man falls to the ground in front of you. He groans. He had fallen off of his horse.

Is this the part with the bomb?


You sit back (stand back, really) and watch. The other three, along with the crowd around you, are confused. "Huh? Who's that?"

"Look, he fell off his horse," Luffy points out. Zoro nods.

"Yeah, he fell off."

For some reason, that's a lot funnier than it should be. Anyways– the man on the ground coughs a few times. Blood spattered to the ground in front of him and dribbled down his lip slowly. Blood is thick– it's messy like that.

"Look, he coughed up blood."

"Yeah, blood."

Zoro's commentary isn't funny anymore. Now you're annoyed.

The man huffs out in exhaustion. His eyes lock on Zoro and Luffy. The two that were closest to him. "Ah... Excuse me, you two. Help me up please."

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