Gucci In The Desert

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 "Move," Smoker ordered.

Ace smiled. "I'm afraid that's a no-can-do."

Ah, a callback. Smoker would like to stab Ace, now, please. Or punch him. Preferably in the face. The Marine Captain could feel his blood boiling. His patience was being tested again, and it was being worn thin.

He was getting fed up. The fire wall grew, and Smoker's own arms began to morph into wafts of smoke. Of course, Straw-Hat Luffy had to have a brother– and that brother was Fire-First Ace. Not only that– but Ace had shown up in Alabasta right when the Straw Hat crew did– and he was defending them. Smoker's day could not get any worse than it already had. He turned into smoke completely and rushed Ace, who dissolved into a blazing inferno.

Smoke clashed against fire, rising off the ground and into the sky. It became a tornado of white and red, a blistering heat and a suffocating haze.

The Straw Hats hadn't gone into a full-on sprint, yet, and had slowed down a bit once they realized that Ace was still fending them off.

"What on earth is happening?" Chopper asked, the smoke and flames growing higher and higher.

"It's a fight between fire and smoke!"

"I-Is that guy really your brother, Luffy?"

Luffy, their bellowed captain, was watching in awe as Ace and Smoker beat the shit out of each other. In elemental form. This shit was wild. And that was his brother! His brother was doing that! Ace was such a cool older brother. "Yep. His name's Ace."

"And he also ate a Devil Fruit?"

Zoro sighed. "Of course, you have a brother, and of course, he's also a Devil Fruit user. What kind of family do you have?"

Nobody tell Zoro that Luffy's father is the Revolutionary Monkey D. Dragon

Sanji hummed, "He mentioned fire– it must be the Mera-Mera no mi."

The body in Luffy's hold, literally one of his friends, momentarily thrashed. He blinked and loosened his grip on (Name).

Your eyes shot open– and once you took a quick glance at your situation– you knew exactly what was happening. First thought? Please no. Not this part. Second thought? Evacuate the island, and then possibly evacuate life itself. "Living isn't a requirement" was becoming your motto. You were being forced to live another life without your consent.

Ah, wonderful. You knew those flames, and who they belonged to. Your body felt as hot as the fire itself the more you thought about it. You were just going to bury all of the embarrassment you were feeling and save it until you could run back to the Going Merry and scream into one of your many pillows. After that? Probably die. Dying was now at the top of your to-do list. (But you'd wait until after you got beat up by Crocodile– you couldn't miss that– you wouldn't miss it for the world– you'd wear your best outfit–)

"Luffy! Everyone! What's going on?!"

"We're trying to run from the Marines!"

Luffy set you down, after you flailed around a bit longer, and you took one look at the fire-smoke tornado before you blanched. "Good god, I have to wake up when Smoker's trying to kill us? At least Ace was here. We should go now– he's trying to cover for us." I'm so fucking lucky that I ran into him.




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