Bad Pirates Get Put In The Shame Cage

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        "No way– You've got one?"

"Yeah. He showed up when the whole curse thing started." You said, answering Anzu. You did strangle me the day before, though. No hard feelings.

Kosai huffed. "You've got some nerve. Complaining when I came all of this way to meet up with you a day before the rest of the crew does? Do you want me to go back?"

You were hugging both your crow and Kosai close to your chest. Sure, you didn't have Annan, but Kosai was just as good. At least you had two out of three friends back. "Shut the hell up, you bastard."

Anzu laughed, "Alright– He and Jin are definitely different– At least Kosai stays with you all of the time. But it looks like you and Crooner were cut from the same cloth... er, kind of?" He gestured to, well, all of you with an awkward smile. "You're alike, but you're also very different? Can't really put my finger on it."

"If I may add," Aito began, focusing on the writing blob in your arms. "Kosai also appears to be a bit different to Jin."

"Who's Jin?"

Your brow raised. "Kosai, you don't know?"

"I... I might? I have contact with many demons– knowing each one by name is just too much work. If I heard the demon's voice, then I might be able to tell."

"Aito, in what ways are Jin and Kosai different? This is the first I've heard that my father has a... helper, I guess." You really didn't think that Crooner would also have similar demons. The only other thing you knew about him was that the bastard had extra arms that were retractable. What was he? A robot?

"Well, I believe Jin is rarely in a form like that and is usually in a physical form whenever he's around. And he doesn't have nearly as many eyes."

"Oh... I see..." You think we'll meet Jin one day? I feel like we will.

"Most likely, but that's not very important right now. If you have any other questions about your father, you might as well get them out now." Right– Kosai was in contact with you. He could speak aloud or in your head. "These two are definitely the ones to ask. If they're his two top officers, then they're guaranteed to be his most trusted men."

As always, Kosai proved himself to be the smart one in this relationship. "Uh– By the way, did he do something to Wapol? I ran into him at Drum Island."


"Tin-Plate Wapol?"

You nodded, "Yeah, him."

"Well..." Aito hummed, putting out his cigarette on the table and burning a hole into it. What? He knew that Crocodile wouldn't be needing it, with the shit that was about to transpire within the next twenty-four hours. "Before Crooner 'disappeared for six years', he travelled across most of the islands up until his own. Anybody who tried to fight him was usually beaten. He's made enemies everywhere."

Looking at the burn marks that Aito left, Anzu sighed shortly. He wanted to smoke– but he'd just do it later. He preferred cigars anyways.

"Oh, fun... So I'm gonna have a bunch of enemies that I don't even know about."

"Yes... But most of them were weak, I'm sure you'll be fine," Aito assured.

The people who didn't know who you were... they were usually the ones you didn't know about either. The people who you had never seen, nor known the existence of. Those people were your real threat.

Demons, Swords, And Other Things That Nearly Killed MeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang