Apparently, There Are Consequences To My Actions, And Nobody Told Me

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 Your first day in your new life had come to a close, and you were quite happy about it. Perhaps your father looked at you funnily as you buzzed with excitement at the dinner table, but that didn't matter. The day ended nicely. All you did was terrorize some of the people of your village before promptly fucking off, like nothing ever happened.

Kosai proved to be the type of demon who was mostly 'hands off' when you wanted some sort of guidance. You had to figure it out by yourself if you wanted to know. This included everything but certain questions that he preferred to answer. He wasn't against telling you about himself, either.

​ He also liked eating and thinking about how much hell he'd be putting you through to toughen you up. Even though you had only known him a day, he already made you a human garbage disposal. Your stomach still hurts from dinner.

The next morning was more of the same treatment. As was the morning after that, so on, and so forth. It had been around a week and nothing phenomenal or groundbreaking had happened. Though your demon mentioned training, you weren't doing anything until you got a week to settle into your new life.

Kosai was taking his anger out on you by making you eat enough food for five people. He wasn't going to let you rest this morning at all, it seemed. Sitting across from your father in the dining hall while scarfing down food had become a staple. Along with you ignoring how he shook his head at your antics and started working on some tasks. Maybe you'd have to do that before you left to become a pirate.

Your siblings, on the other hand, were not so discreetly staring at you before they cast glances with one another. There were five of them, all younger than you by a few years. Two sets of twins, both sets eleven and ten respectively. All of the twins were boys. The youngest was probably nine, and the only other girl.

She was the only one who could look you in the eyes.

"Are you still wondering if your actual father is the only reason they're scared of you?" Kosai pondered.

You blinked slowly and leaned back from your cleaned plates. Maybe now you could rival Luffy– but only when he was snacking. You were waiting for your plates to be taken away so you could ask for more.

If I'm being honest, I don't really care if they're scared or not. That's their problem. You began drumming your fingers idly on the table.

"What happened to not coming off as suspicious? As far as you're concerned, the only thing new about you is this new 'prank' of having amnesia, and your curse."

This is normal? The way I'm acting?

"Yes. It would be problematic if you had been put in a body where your personalities clashed. The only thing that the King found suspicious was how you acted a week ago."

I have no idea what you're talking about.

"Punching that man was out of line, even for me."

A sudden look of disdain came over you. Well, that's just where you and I disagree.

"Out of line"??

He almost killed you

"...We start training tomorrow."

For fuck's sake

~ . . . ~

He wasn't kidding

Kosai wasn't the jokester. He was legitimately pushing you to your limit on the first day, and it wasn't even that hard to do. It was unfair that Koko took the opportunity to work on the weakest point of your body– your main arms.

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