I'm Too Young to Die a Whore

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You woke up... somewhere.

Where? You had no idea.

The walls were golden, and so was the floor, and you were surrounded by the most expensive things you had ever seen in your life. Not even Crocodile had access to golden silk sheets and such luscious looking blankets.

You blink slowly, rubbing at your sides and shifting. Pain was what you remembered before blacking out. Now, when you wake up, it's completely gone.

...My back doesn't hurt anymore.

A part of you worries that it's going to be a repeat of the Crocodile situation, where Enel will barely put a finger on you, and you'll collapse like a preschooler's paper mâché project. So you'll enjoy how you feel now, even if you're confused and dazed. You should be more alert with your whole situation and all, but... you're not.

You shift in your spot as the blankets fall from your chest and pool around your legs. You spot the door to the room and stand up. The blankets are kicked out of the way.

You suddenly pause. Where's Annan? Oh- Kosai! Kosai!


You breathe out a silent sigh of relief at his voice. Holy fuck, thank god you're here.

His tone indicated that he was miffed. Probably because you went and got snatched up again like an idiot. "Are you alright?"

Yes, I'm fine, I'm alright. I need to find Annan. We need to, actually. You continue walking. You pass a mirror on the way to the door, and that, too, makes you pause. The mirror reflected something that caught your eye.

"(Name)... I need you to stay calm."

You slowly make your way back to the mirror, your eyes narrowing. Why would I need to stay calm?

"Just don't scream."

Why not– What the fuck.

You freeze in front of the mirror, eyes darting across the reflection of your body. It's no secret that you had some sort of hatred towards mirrors. You didn't like looking into them and at yourself. You didn't know why, but it just felt... creepy to you. That doesn't matter right now. You only have one question on your mind. Why do you have wings?

What the fuck.

What the fuck.

What the fuck.

Your breath catches in your throat as you give yourself a look over. You turn around and look over your shoulder to get a better look at them before turning back around. It's a game of you twisting your body in different ways to figure out why the hell you've got wings now.

"You're panicking!" Kosai hisses, "Stop panicking! It'll affect your haki–!"

Why do I have wings?! You turn around quickly, clenching and unclenching your hands as you do nothing to calm down. They're like... They're like Conis's! But like...! Uh! Uhm! More? There's more feathers, I think? They're not as round looking...! You cautiously touch the tip of one of the wings before flinching. That's weird! That's so weird! I can feel it!

"Yes– Yes, it's strange, and I don't know why...!"

You then reach behind to feel the bottom and base of where the wings sprout from your back. Oh, that's crazy. That's so fucking strange.

Demons, Swords, And Other Things That Nearly Killed MeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz