The Prettiest Boy In The World

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You were fading in and out of consciousness

You gathered a few things when you managed to keep a hold on reality before you let yourself get knocked the fuck out again. One; you were on Kureha's sleigh, but you didn't know where you really were. Two; she actually took your deal. Three; you were going to be in debt soon– and finally... Kosai hasn't gotten back to you yet.

You... You were stretched pretty thin yourself. You were going to do so many things after you were healed. You didn't even know if you'd be able to help at all with the Wapol fight. You did, however, want to kick at least one of his minions in the nuts. If you could do that, you were sure that you would be able to rest easy for about three hours until you had to kidnap Chopper. That part was going to be fun. Riding on a sleigh shooting down a hill at what, 100 miles per hour? Not so fun. You liked roller coasters, not joyrides.

Once Kureha helped you, and you were all better, you'd head back down to the village to help Dalton, because you were pretty sure he was either shot or stabbed and was on death's door. Then you'd help all of the villagers with the snow clearing...

Wapol was going to be taken care of by Luffy– you hoped that Sanji was also okay. Kosai made a deal with you in the first place. (It was more of you forcing him to agree, though).

Before they even met Dalton– Hell, before they even docked, you thought of something. It was because Sanji ended up getting injured that you thought of it. Kosai would pretend to be you– Since he could literally copy people.

It reminded you more or less of Mr. 3, but he couldn't copy fighting styles like Kosai could. He was a demon of deceit –Invisibility wasn't his only power. Yes, it varied, and it was a bit complicated to get into all of the details– but he could make clones. Of... mostly anything. He did better as inanimate objects since he could spy on people.

That's when you found out what the tattoo on your chest meant. You had figured that out a while back, when you had to blow up (you didn't have to, actually) a Marine Base. Finding yourself in a sticky situation at the time, Kosai made a diversion for you. On your chest, you had eight eyes surrounding a dot– making the tattoo look like a sun. Kosai could split himself into eight copies, if he was fighting, but only three were sent with Luffy and Sanji.

The others were spread out. One was with Nami, keeping her cooler, since Kosai could absorb the cold, and what was left was with Zoro, to heal him. Though he had less since his healing had been accelerated for the past few days. You were left with a dot, a single dot– Which was barely enough of him for you to tell what was going on in his end. He wasn't answering because he was busy– either that, or Kosai was just mad at you.

You hoped that he wasn't. The entire time you were sick... you didn't really have Kosai. You didn't have the energy to even think sometimes, meaning the two of you couldn't talk. So you were usually left sleeping. It was... not very fun, in your opinion. Kosai was your best friend and you had actively separated yourself from him to help your friends.

A pained groan left you. What about... Oh, shit, there's an avalanche and I forgot. Kosai's not going to be happy about this.

Your head was slapped a few times. You grunted again.

"Hey, kid! We're almost there!"

"Wake me up when we're there, then..."

You were punched in the gut

Okay, you weren't punched, but it felt like you were. That alone gave you enough strength to be angry. You clutched your stomach and rolled over, feeling like death was coming to claim you soon. "WHAT THE FUCK?! AREN'T YOU UNDER THE HIPPOCRATIC OATH?!"

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