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Jisung had always been a voracious reader, devouring books from a young age and immersing himself in the worlds that authors had created

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Jisung had always been a voracious reader, devouring books from a young age and immersing himself in the worlds that authors had created.

As he got older, he began to realize that he wanted to create those worlds for himself, to craft stories that would transport readers to new and exciting places.

And so he began to write, pouring his heart and soul into each and every story that he created.

At first, Jisung's writing was rough and unpolished, but he was determined to improve. He spent every spare moment reading books on writing, studying the craft and learning new techniques.

He practiced constantly, writing and rewriting, honing his skills until he was able to craft stories that were both engaging and well-written.

As Jisung's writing improved, so did his confidence. He began to share his stories with others, posting them online and watching as his fanbase grew.

He was thrilled to see that people were enjoying his work, and he worked even harder to create new and exciting content that would keep them coming back for more.

But Jisung's dedication to writing didn't stop there.
He was also determined to excel in school, knowing that his academic success would only help him in his writing career.

He spent countless hours studying, reading, and writing essays, and his hard work paid off. He was the top student in his class, excelling in subjects like poetry and literature.

Through it all, Jisung remained humble and grateful, knowing that he had a long way to go before he could truly call himself a master of the craft.
But he was determined to keep learning, to keep growing, and to keep creating stories that would inspire and delight readers for years to come.

He had always been a dreamer, but he was also a realist. He knew that becoming a famous writer was a long shot, and he didn't want to set himself up for disappointment by imagining a future that might never come to pass.

And yet, he couldn't help but dream. He couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to meet his dream idol, to have his books sell millions of copies, to be recognized on the street by adoring fans.

But instead of letting these dreams consume him, Jisung channeled them into his writing.
He created characters who were living out the lives that he could only imagine, crafting stories that were filled with adventure, romance, and excitement.

And as he wrote, he found that his dreams began to feel more tangible, more real.

Jisung shared his stories with his fans, talking with them about the worlds that he had created and the characters who lived within them.

He loved hearing their reactions, loved seeing how his words could move them, inspire them, and make them feel. And as he watched his fanbase grow, he realized that his dreams were no longer just fantasies. They were becoming a reality, one story at a time.

Jisung still wasn't sure if he would ever meet his dream idol or become a household name, but he didn't need to.

He was living his dream every day, through the stories that he created and the fans who loved them. And that was enough for him.

Since he's still young, he was sure that there's a chance to meet his idol. To live his dream. Show the world how much effort does he put into writing.

But that's on the future.
Now, the seventeen years old Han Jisung, is sitting in his english class, being soaked in his own thoughts, writing a story, about how amazing the Lee Minho is.

Jisung's writing process is a deeply personal one. He starts by brainstorming ideas, jotting down anything that comes to mind in a notebook or on his phone.

Sometimes he'll spend hours just thinking, letting his mind wander and playing around with different concepts.

Once he has an idea that he's excited about, Jisung begins to sketch out the characters that will inhabit his story

. He gives them names, backstories, and personalities, trying to make them as real and relatable as possible. He often finds himself singing or humming while he writes, using music as a way to get into the right headspace.

As Jisung writes, he's constantly evaluating his work.
Sometimes he'll write a scene or a chapter and realize that it's not working, that it doesn't fit with the rest of the story or that it's just not very good.

Other times, he'll surprise himself with how much he loves what he's written, feeling a rush of excitement as he realizes that this is exactly what he had been hoping to create.

Despite the ups and downs of the writing process, Jisung never loses his passion for storytelling. He knows that not everything he writes will be his favorite, but he also knows that each piece is a stepping stone to something greater.

He's constantly pushing himself to be better, to take risks, and to create something that will truly resonate with his readers.

And when he's finished with a story, when he's poured his heart and soul into every word, Jisung feels a sense of accomplishment that's hard to describe.

He knows that there will be more stories to tell, more characters to create, but in that moment he feels like he's done something truly special. And that's what keeps him coming back to the page, day after day, year after year.

Jisung's favorite story is about Minho, the lost prince of the snow castle.
He loves this story because it's a classic tale of a hero's journey, with Minho starting out as a poor and powerless boy and ending up as the most powerful king in the land.

Jisung spent months working on the character of Minho, carefully crafting his backstory and personality. He wanted Minho to be someone that readers could root for, someone who was relatable and sympathetic despite his extraordinary circumstances.

As he wrote the story, Jisung was constantly surprised by the twists and turns that it took.
He had a general idea of where he wanted the story to go, but he found that the characters often had minds of their own, leading him down unexpected paths.

When he finally finished the story, Jisung felt a sense of pride and accomplishment that he hadn't felt in a long time.
He knew that the story wasn't perfect - there were still things he wanted to change, scenes he wanted to tweak - but he also knew that it was something special. Something that he could be proud of.

And so, even now, years after he started working on the story, Jisung still thinks of Minho and the snow castle with a sense of fondness and nostalgia.

He knows that he'll never be able to recreate that feeling of joy and excitement that came with writing that story, but he also knows that he doesn't need to.

Because that story will always be a part of him, a part of his journey as a writer, and a part of the legacy that he hopes to leave behind.

oct 6
i'm currently drawing bartender hyunjin~ so fun
i went to cinema yesterday, we were on the newest jigsaw movie, and now i am scared to death lmao

but i watched minni live in the morning. day went from 0 to 100 quickly


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