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After a delightful fan meeting of his ultimate idol, Han Jisung desperately needed to relieve his bursting bladder

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After a delightful fan meeting of his ultimate idol, Han Jisung desperately needed to relieve his bursting bladder. With a sense of urgency, he excused himself from his friends Felix, Chan, and Seungmin, promising to regroup with them shortly. Paying no attention to his surroundings, Jisung hurriedly made his way towards the restroom, lost deep in his thoughts.

Unfortunately, fate had its own plans for Jisung that day. Unbeknownst to him, another person was also consumed by their own thoughts, approaching from the opposite direction. As the distance between them closed, Jisung finally looked up, only to be face-to-face with his idol, Lee Know.

Eyes widening in disbelief, Jisung's heart skipped a beat. The sudden encounter rendered him speechless, and before he could react, he found himself stumbling backward, nearly losing his balance. "I...I'm so sorry!" Jisung stammered, mortified by his ungraceful response.

Lee Know, however, managed to maintain his composure, a faint smile gracing his lips. "No worries," he replied gently, understanding Jisung's embarrassment. "Accidents happen, even to idols." he giggled, as he helped the younger up.

"I can't believe I didn't see you!" Jisung continued his apology, feeling his cheeks redden with shame. "I-I was too lost in my thoughts and not paying attention to where I was going. I'm really sorry!"

A kind chuckle escaped Lee Know's lips, alleviating some of Jisung's embarrassment. "It's okay, Jisung. I get it. We all have those moments. Just be more careful next time," he reassured, patting Jisung lightly on the shoulder.

Jisung nodded fervently, still feeling flustered by the unexpected encounter. "Thank you, Lee Know-ssi. I'll definitely be more cautious. And thank you for understanding!"

Lee Know smiled warmly, appreciating Jisung's sincerity. "You're welcome. Now, don't keep your friends waiting too long. I'm sure they miss you."

Realizing he had left his friends waiting, Jisung's embarrassment deepened. "Oh no, you're right! I should go back to them!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with urgency.

Lee Know nodded understandingly. "Off you go then, Jisung. Take care, and I hope you've enjoyed the fan meeting!"

As Jisung was turning back to go to his friends, something clicked in his head, as he quickly turned back to the idol. „Wait! How- how do you know my name?"

Minho looked at him, widening his eyes and scratching his head in embarrassment. „Um, you know, my friend.. Yongbok! told me your name!"

„First of all, who is Yongbok, and secondly, how does the Yongbok know my name?"

As the older prepared to face the death of his for lying, and creating another excuse in his head, his bodyguard called him to get back to the backstage ASAP. „Coming Changbin! I'm so sorry Jisung! I'm glad you attended my meeting, but I really have to go now!"

Jisung bade a quick farewell, turning on his heel and practically sprinting back to where his friends were waiting

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Jisung bade a quick farewell, turning on his heel and practically sprinting back to where his friends were waiting. With each step, he couldn't help but replay the encounter in his mind, cringing at his initial reaction. But at the same time, there was a glimmer of joy in his embarrassment, knowing that even idols like Lee Know were understanding and down-to-earth.

And so, with newfound determination to remain aware of his surroundings, Jisung rejoined his friends, ready to face their playful teasing about his encounter. Little did he know that this embarrassing encounter would become a fond memory etched in his heart, reminding him of the humility and kindness of his idol, Lee Know.

As Jisung rushed back to his friends, heart still pounding from the unexpected encounter with Lee Know, a sudden realization struck him like a bolt of lightning. During their brief conversation, Lee Know had actually mentioned his name, suggesting that he was not just some oblivious fan who happened to bump into him.

Jisung's steps faltered as he replayed the conversation in his mind. "Did he really say my name?" he whispered to himself, hardly daring to believe his ears. The words echoed in his head, and a warm feeling began to spread throughout his entire being.

His friends noticed his sudden pause and exchanged curious glances. Felix, ever perceptive, approached Jisung with a mischievous grin. "What happened, Jisung? Did you see a ghost or something?"

Jisung's eyes widened with excitement as he blurted out, "No, no, even better!" He couldn't contain himself any longer and eagerly shared the surprising news. "Guys, Lee Know actually said my name! He knows who I am!"

Chan and Seungmin's jaws dropped in disbelief, their expressions mirroring his own astonishment. "No way! Are you sure?" Chan asked, his eyes searching Jisung's face for confirmation.

Jisung nodded, a mix of joy and disbelief overwhelming him. "I swear! He mentioned my name when we were talking! I can't believe it!"

Felix slapped Jisung playfully on the back, an excited grin plastered across his face. "Dude, that's incredible! You've caught Lee Know's attention!" he said as he winked to Chan.

Seungmin added in an enthusiastic tone, "This is amazing, Jisung! It's like a dream come true! When is it my turn??"

Jisung's heart swelled with pride and happiness. It was a surreal feeling to know that one of his favorite idols, someone he admired so much, had recognized him in some way. It felt like a validation of his love and support for Lee Know's talent.

With renewed excitement, he joined his friends as they excitedly discussed the incredible encounter. Their laughter and jubilant voices filled the air, sweeping away any remnants of Jisung's earlier embarrassment. From that moment on, Jisung felt a newfound confidence, a reminder that sometimes, unexpected encounters can lead to the most memorable and cherished moments.

Little did he know, this encounter would be the beginning of a special connection, a bond between a fan and his idol that would continue to grow and flourish in the most unexpected and extraordinary ways.

But what he didn't knew, was how the two Aussies fist bumped behind their backs.

I told you to let him cook, hyung." Felix smirked.

hiya people, i hope y'all are doing well, make sure to take care of yourself<3

tuesday nov21st


fanfic writer | minsung Where stories live. Discover now