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Seungmin entered his apartment to find Jisung already there, red cheeks and a lazy smile on his face as he lounged on the couch

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Seungmin entered his apartment to find Jisung already there, red cheeks and a lazy smile on his face as he lounged on the couch. Seungmin couldn't help but notice the relaxed posture and content expression on Jisung's face, a stark contrast to the whirlwind of emotions churning inside him.

"Hey," Jisung greeted him casually, not bothering to ask about Seungmin's day. Seungmin felt a twinge of resentment at Jisung's nonchalant attitude towards their friendship.

"Hey," Seungmin replied, a forced smile on his face as he took a seat opposite Jisung on the couch. He couldn't shake the feeling of jealousy that had been gnawing at him since he heard about Jisung's date with Minho.

"So, how was your date with Minho?" Seungmin asked, trying to sound casual but unable to hide the hint of bitterness in his tone.

Jisung looked up, a surprised expression flickering across his face at Seungmin's direct question. "Oh, yeah, it was fine. We just hung out, you know," he replied, avoiding Seungmin's gaze, scrolling on his phone.

Seungmin felt a surge of frustration at Jisung's dismissive answer. It seemed like Jisung didn't even care to share the details of his date with his best friend. The resentment bubbled up inside Seungmin, but he couldn't bring himself to voice his true feelings.

"Yeah, that's nice," Seungmin muttered, the words feeling hollow in his mouth. He knew he was being petty, but he couldn't help the wave of jealousy that washed over him at the thought of Jisung spending time with someone else.

As they lapsed into an awkward silence, Seungmin realized that he needed to confront his own feelings of jealousy and insecurity before they drove a wedge between him and Jisung. But for now, he would keep his emotions hidden, buried beneath a facade of forced indifference.

And as they sat in silence, the unspoken resentment hanging heavy in the air, Seungmin knew that their friendship had entered uncharted territory. The question was, would they find a way to navigate through it together, or would their unspoken feelings drive them apart?

Seungmin's words hung heavy in the air, a tense silence settling between them as Jisung tried to process his friend's outburst. Seungmin could feel the frustration and hurt bubbling up inside him, unable to contain his emotions any longer.

"Don't you like, care to share with your best friend, I don't know, maybe, how was your date after all these years of friendship," Seungmin's voice was laced with bitterness as he spoke, the words sharp and accusing. „Or just say 'Hey Seungmin how was your day?'"

Jisung was taken aback by Seungmin's sudden change in demeanor, the hurt clear in his eyes as he struggled to understand the source of his friend's anger. "What's up with you, Seungmin?" he asked, his voice tinged with confusion.

"What's up with me?!" Seungmin's frustration boiled over, his pent-up emotions spilling out in a rush of words. "I've been there for you through everything, and you can't even be bothered to share a simple detail about your date with a person you are a fan of? It's like you don't even care about our friendship anymore."

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