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Jisung stood on the doorstep of his apartment, a soft smile gracing his lips as he watched Minho park his motorcycle on the street below

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Jisung stood on the doorstep of his apartment, a soft smile gracing his lips as he watched Minho park his motorcycle on the street below. The gentle rumble of the engine filled the air, a familiar sound that never failed to send a thrill through Jisung's veins.

Minho glanced up at Jisung, his eyes lighting up with a warmth that melted Jisung's heart. He put on his helmet, revealing a playful grin as he beckoned Jisung to join him.

"Ready for our adventure?" Minho called up, his voice carrying on the evening breeze.

Jisung nodded eagerly, his heart fluttering with anticipation. He stepped out of the doorway and descended the stairs, feeling a surge of excitement as he approached Minho and the waiting motorcycle.

Minho handed Jisung a helmet, his touch sending a shiver down Jisung's spine. With practiced ease, Jisung secured the helmet in place, his fingers brushing against the soft leather as he adjusted the straps.

"Let's go," Minho said, his voice low and full of promise.

Jisung climbed onto the back of the motorcycle, his pulse quickening as he settled in behind Minho. He wrapped his arms around Minho's waist, the familiar warmth of his body sending a wave of comfort through Jisung's soul.

With a swift kick, the elder started the engine, the roar filling the night air as they set off into the city streets. Jisung leaned into the curve of Minho's back, his senses alive with the scent of leather and the rush of the wind against his face.

As they navigated the bustling streets, Jisung felt a sense of freedom wash over him. With Minho by his side, there was nowhere else he'd rather be – no one else he'd rather be with.

Soon, they left the city behind, the landscape opening up before them as they approached the Han River. The moon hung low in the sky, casting a silvery glow over the water as they arrived at their destination – a secluded spot by the riverside, far from the prying eyes of the world.

Minho cut the engine and turned to face Jisung, his eyes soft with affection as he reached out to brush a stray lock of hair from Jisung's forehead.

"Thank you for coming with me," Minho said, his voice filled with sincerity.

Jisung smiled, his heart swelling with strange emotions for the man beside him.

"Anywhere with you feels like an adventure," he replied, his voice barely above a whisper.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the Han River, Jisung and Minho found themselves strolling along the riverbank, their laughter mingling with the gentle rustle of the breeze.

They weren't even dating, but there was an undeniable chemistry between them – a spark that seemed to grow stronger with each passing moment.

As they walked, Jisung couldn't help but steal glances at Minho, admiring the way the fading sunlight danced across his features, casting him in a soft, golden glow. Minho caught his gaze and grinned, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

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