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It was a crisp autumn day, and 16-year-old Minho strutted around his high school hallways, his confidence radiating like an intoxicating aura.

He was known for his good looks, intelligence, and athletic skills, and he reveled in the attention he received from his peers. To Minho, life was like a stage, and he was the main character at the center of it all.

His vibrant personality and captivating charm had always drawn others towards him. But this self-assured young man had an even deeper belief in his own significance. He considered himself not just the main character in his own life but also the protagonist of a grand narrative, destined for greatness beyond his wildest dreams.

One fateful afternoon, while scrolling down through an online platform, where people writes their own books, Minho stumbled upon a section that piqued his interest. It was a collection of books, each titled with his own name. Intrigued by the prospect of reading stories about himself, Minho clicked on the most popular book and began to scroll down through its pages.

As he delved deeper into the narrative, Minho found himself captivated by the words that painted a picture of his imagined achievements. He reveled in the descriptions of his heroic escapades, his magnetic allure, and his unwavering determination in overcoming challenges. The character, based on his own self, epitomized everything he believed about his own grandeur.

In the days that followed, Minho became an avid reader of these self-centered books that glorified his every move. With each new title, he immersed himself in a fantastical world where he relished being the center of attention. He reveled in the beautifully crafted prose that further embellished his imaginary persona. These tales fueled his narcissistic tendencies, reinforcing his belief that he was indeed the protagonist of his own story.

But as time passed, cracks began to appear in Minho's self-created utopia. The more he read these books, the more he started to question the authenticity of their narratives. He realized that they were mere fantasies, painted with strokes of exaggeration and painted ideals. In reality, he had flaws, imperfections, and limitations just like everyone else.

A moment of awakening washed over Minho. The realization dawned on him that his obsession with being the main character in his own life had blinded him to the beauty of genuine connections and self-improvement. He had been too busy admiring himself to recognize the value of humility and empathy.

With newfound clarity, Minho finished the last book he had left unread, setting it aside. He vowed to embrace reality and learn to see beyond his own reflection.

He acknowledged that the true richness of life lay not in the delusions of grandeur but in the shared experiences, growth, and the meaningful relationships he had overlooked.

From that moment forward, Minho set out on a journey of self-discovery, one that would reshape his perception of himself and others. He began to invest his time in introspection, choosing to understand the perspectives and stories of those around him.

With each passing day, his pride transformed into humble confidence, as he learned to appreciate the beauty and diversity of the world outside his narcissistic bubble.

As Minho closed this chapter of his life, he carried with him the knowledge that being the main character of his own story didn't mean ignoring or overshadowing others. Instead, it meant embracing his role with grace, kindness, and an open heart, ready to learn and grow in the true essence of what it means to be human.


Years had passed since Minho's awakening from his narcissistic tendencies. He had grown into a mature and empathetic young adult, leaving behind the superficial desires of his youth. But there was one habit that still remained—a love for reading and an appreciation for the power of storytelling.

Minho found solace within the platforms of books, where he could explore new worlds, delve into different perspectives, and learn valuable lessons. One day, a name caught his eye in the platforms display. It was none other than, wltjd, Jisung, young writer and now, dear friend, who had recently published a series of novels, with Minho's name in the title.

Intrigued, Minho chosen the first of Jisung's books and began to read. What he discovered within those pages was a reflection of Jisung's own unique imagination and creativity. But there was something more that resonated with Minho. Each story had Minho as the central character, embodying various roles and experiences.

Despite his own transformation from narcissism to empathy, Minho found himself drawn to these stories where Minho played the lead role. It wasn't about indulging in grandiose fantasies, but rather appreciating the artistry and the depth of the narratives that Jisung had crafted. It allowed Minho to see this person in a different light, understanding his perspectives and the unexplored facets of his personality.

Through Jisung's books, Minho gained a newfound appreciation for the complexity and depth of his friend's character. He saw Jisung through a lens of vulnerability, strength, and resilience—all carefully woven into the stories' plotlines. Each book carried its own unique message, taking Minho on an emotional journey filled with self-discovery, love, and personal growth.

As Minho continued to read Jisung's books, he couldn't help but be inspired. Jisung's storytelling skills and ability to craft compelling characters left a profound impact on Minho. It fueled his own desire to try his hand at writing, to explore the world of fiction and create narratives that could touch the hearts of others, just as Jisung had touched his.

Through Jisung's books, Minho discovered that stories could serve as a bridge, connecting people in ways that transcended their own experiences. It allowed Minho to understand Jisung on a deeper level and appreciate the unique perspectives and talents his friend possessed.

Grateful for the gift Jisung had unknowingly given him, Minho made it a point to share his admiration with his friend, even though it wasn't under his real name. He expressed how Jisung's books had touched his life, opened his mind, and ignited his own creative spirit. Jisung was humbled and delighted, realizing the impact his writing had on someone so close to him.

From that moment forward, Minho continued to read Jisung's books, not out of self-centered narcissism, but out of a genuine appreciation for storytelling and the artistry his friend expressed.

It became a way for Minho to strengthen their bond, to explore the world through Jisung's eyes, and to discover new perspectives that would enrich his own journey of empathy, growth, and connection.

As he turned the final page of another one of Jisung's novels, Minho scrolled to the very end of the book with a sense of gratitude. He understood that literature held the power to bridge gaps, to foster understanding, and to uncover hidden depths within ourselves and those we hold dear.

And with each book he read, Minho's admiration for Jisung's talent grew, reminding him that sometimes, the true beauty of a story lies in the words written by someone else.



nov 18th, 2023

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