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Minho's heart pounded against his chest as he swiftly made his way through the venues toilets

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Minho's heart pounded against his chest as he swiftly made his way through the venues toilets. The pulsating rhythm of the music still reverberated in his ears, but his mind was consumed by the incident that had just unfolded on that place. He couldn't help but replay the awkward moment over and over again.

His bodyguard, Changbin, had called him to the backstage area, urgency evident in his voice. Minho's mind raced with worry, fearing the worst scenarios. But as he reached the familiar hallway leading to the backstage, relief washed over him as soon as he locked eyes with Changbin, leaning against the wall, waiting.

"Changbin, thank goodness you called me back here," Minho exclaimed breathlessly, a mixture of gratitude and anxiety in his voice.

Changbin's stern expression softened as he assessed Minho's state, realizing the young idol needed a moment to gather himself. He motioned for Minho to follow him into a private room, away from prying eyes and eavesdropping ears.

The door closed behind them, shutting out the noise of the meeting hall, and Minho finally allowed himself to exhale. He sank into a nearby chair, his body sinking with both mental and physical fatigue.

"What happened out there, man?" Changbin asked, concern etched on his face. "You seemed shaken."

A slight blush tinged Minho's cheeks as he recalled the sensation that still hovered in the air— the startling realization that he had unintentionally let slip something he shouldn't have said. He rubbed his temples, attempting to ease the residual embarrassment.

"I... I made a mistake," Minho admitted sheepishly. "You know how I told you about the guy I'm texting with through my fake account. I accidentally bumped into him, and said his name! What does he think about me right now, I'm such a dumbass. I'm just grateful you called me back here before things could escalate any further."

Changbin's gaze softened, reflecting compassion and understanding. He had witnessed Minho's journey from a nervous trainee to a confident performer, and he knew the pressures that came along with idol personal life all too well.

"Minho, you're only human," Changbin reassured him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Mistakes happen, even to the best of us. What matters now is how we handle it. We'll work together to minimize the fallout. You have a supportive friend like me, and that boy is surely jumping in happiness right now."

Minho's appreciation for his bodyguard grew deeper with every word Changbin spoke, the sincerity and trust he exuded calming the storm within him. Changbin's constant presence by his side, always ensuring his safety, had forged a bond that extended beyond their professional roles.

"You're right," Minho acknowledged, a spark of determination igniting in his eyes. "I won't let this incident define me. I'll take responsibility for my words and face any consequences head-on. I'm lucky to have a team like you who always has my back."

A small smile crept across Changbin's face, proud of Minho's resilience and eagerness to face the challenges that lay ahead.

As the adrenaline from the earlier mishap subsided, Minho felt a glimmer of lightheartedness return to his demeanor. He glanced at Changbin, mischief twinkling in his eyes, and decided to inject some humor into the situation.

"Hey, Changbin," Minho began with a mischievous grin. "You saved me from a potentially disastrous situation out there. What do you want in return? A raise? Vacation days? Or maybe... the secret recipe to my mom's legendary kimchi stew?"

Changbin chuckled, appreciating Minho's attempt to lighten the mood. He crossed his arms and pretended to ponder over the question, a teasing smile playing on his lips.

"Well, Minho," Changbin replied, his voice filled with jest. "I must admit, I have been thinking about it. And I do have one request."

Minho leaned in, curiosity piqued. "Alright, what is it? If it's within my power, I'll do my best to fulfill it!"

Changbin flashed a mischievous grin of his own, delighting in the playful banter they shared. "Well, I've been eyeing your cute freckled friend. You know, the one who always sends the most supportive messages on your fan board and brings you the best brownies every Saturday? I think it's high time you pass along their contact information."

Minho erupted into laughter, nearly doubling over at Changbin's unexpected response. Catching his breath, he playfully nudged Changbin's shoulder.

"You sly fox! You've got jokes!" Minho exclaimed, a wide grin stretching across his face. "But I can see right through your mischievous plan. Unfortunately for you, secret admirers remain secret for a reason!"

Changbin joined in on the laughter, knowing full well that Minho wasn't about to betray the trust of his fans, no matter how amusing the situation.

„But I am deadly serious," Changbin stopped laughing, receiving a glance from the older. „Wait, you really want Felix's number? What are you two planning? I need my best friend and a bodyguard dude!"

With renewed spirits, Minho and Changbin left the room, ready to face whatever challenges the entertainment industry had in store for them

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With renewed spirits, Minho and Changbin left the room, ready to face whatever challenges the entertainment industry had in store for them.
Bonded by trust and humor, they navigated the world of idol life together, fortified by the strength of their friendship.

Minho still looked devastated, thinking about how to get closer to Jisung without making things too suspicious and complicated, meanwhile Changbin left with a sly smile on his face, because he managed to get a number of Felix, even though Minho wasn't twice passionate about sharing it.

„I'm just so happy that it's the end of today, I need to sleep," Minho said, as he plopped into the backseat of their car, leaving the meeting venue.


nov 27th 2023 <3
i hope y'all are doing well, remember y'all are worth it, don't forget to take care of yourself. i'm so proud of every single person reading this story.


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