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„Minnie, the breakfast is on the table in the kitchen, please come out and go eat," Jisung said quietly as he stood in front of his best friend's room

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„Minnie, the breakfast is on the table in the kitchen, please come out and go eat," Jisung said quietly as he stood in front of his best friend's room. They haven't talked to each other since what happened last night.

Why? It was simple. Jisung wanted to give Seungmin some space, and the younger was simply shy to say sorry. After he realised that he maybe is attached to his best friend, everything just seemed difficult for Seungmin.

„You haven't eaten your dinner yesterday, you must be hungry. Maybe we can talk about what happened yesterday?" Jisung tried for the second time, still standing in front of the door of Seungmin's bedroom.

Seungmin slowly opened the door, his eyes downcast as he took in Jisung's concerned expression. Without saying a word, he stepped forward and wrapped his arms around his friend, burying his face in Jisung's shoulder. Jisung's eyes widened in surprise at the sudden gesture, but he quickly returned the hug, feeling a sense of relief wash over him.

After a few moments, Seungmin pulled back slightly and looked up at Jisung, his eyes filled with emotion. "I'm sorry, Jisung," he whispered, his voice barely audible. Jisung reached up and gently cupped Seungmin's cheek, his touch tender and understanding.

"It's okay, Seungmin," Jisung replied softly, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "I understand. Just know that I'm here for you, no matter what."

Seungmin nodded, feeling a weight lifted off his shoulders as he finally let out the apology that had been weighing on his heart.

As Jisung wrapped his arms around Seungmin, the younger boy closed his eyes and allowed himself to sink into the embrace. He could feel the warmth of Jisung's body against his own, the steady rise and fall of his chest as they held each other close. And then, he felt it - Jisung's gentle touch on his hair and cheeks, a tender caress that sent shivers down his spine.

Seungmin's heart clenched at the realization of his own feelings for Jisung, a mix of longing and guilt swirling in his chest. He couldn't bear the thought of causing any pain to his best friend, especially knowing that Jisung was growing closer to Minho. The burning ache in his heart seemed to grow with each passing moment, a knot of emotions that threatened to consume him.

Despite the turmoil within him, Seungmin couldn't help but revel in the comfort of Jisung's touch, a fleeting moment of solace in the midst of his internal struggle. And as they stood there, locked in a silent embrace, Seungmin silently prayed for strength to navigate the tangled web of emotions that threatened to tear him apart.

Jisung felt Seungmin tense slightly in his arms, and he pulled back slightly to look into his friend's eyes. He could see the turmoil and pain reflected in Seungmin's gaze, and a pang of worry tugged at his heart. Without saying a word, he gently guided Seungmin towards the kitchen, where a simple breakfast awaited them.

As they sat down at the table, Jisung poured them both a cup of tea and placed a plate of food in front of Seungmin. He watched as Seungmin picked at his food, his mind clearly elsewhere. Jisung knew that they needed to talk about what had happened, to address the unspoken tensions that hung between them.

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