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Jisung couldn't stop blabbering about his encounter with Minho at the fan meeting

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Jisung couldn't stop blabbering about his encounter with Minho at the fan meeting. The excitement bubbled inside him like a shaken soda can, waiting to explode. His best friend, Seungmin, tried his best to keep his annoyance at bay as they made their way to Seungmin's apartment in downtown LA.

"So, you won't believe what happened, Seungmin. Like, seriously, it was crazy! I went to the restroom, right? And then, out of nowhere, Lee Minho bumps into me and says my name!" Jisung's voice was a mix of excitement and disbelief.

Seungmin sighed, rolling his eyes playfully. "Jisung, I swear, you're acting like you've just discovered a rare treasure. You do realize that Minho is just a human being like the rest of us?"

Jisung grinned mischievously. "But Seungmin, he's not just any human being! He's an incredibly talented idol who accidentally called me by name. There must be some cosmic connection there!"

Seungmin chuckled, playfully nudging Jisung. "If that's the case, then maybe you should start your own fan club for accidental encounters. I'm sure you'd have a huge following, meeting you was an accident too," the younger joked, receiving a smack on his shoulder.

Jisung pretended to be deep in thought. "Hmm, not a bad idea! Maybe I should patent that or something. You could be my first member, Seungmin!"

"Thanks, but no thanks, Jisung," Seungmin replied with a mock-serious face. "I think I'll pass on that one. Now, can we please talk about something other than your newfound cosmic bond with Lee Minho?"

Jisung feigned disappointment, sighing dramatically. "Fine, fine, I'll drop it. But only because we're almost at your apartment, and I want to raid your fridge. You did say you had leftovers from that amazing Korean barbecue place, right?"

Seungmin smiled. "Yes, my friend, the coveted Korean barbecue awaits you. I wouldn't blame you for putting aside such important matters for a taste of it."

As they entered Seungmin's apartment, Jisung couldn't help but notice how familiar and comforting it felt. He plopped onto the couch while Seungmin went to the kitchen to retrieve their leftovers. Jisung's mind wandered back to his encounter with Minho.

"Okay, this is the last time I mention it today, I promise," Jisung said, trying to contain his excitement. "But seriously, Seungmin, what are the odds of running into Minho like that? It can't be just a coincidence, right?"

Seungmin grinned as he set the plates of steaming barbecue before them. "Who knows, Jisung? Maybe you've stumbled upon the start of a beautiful friendship or something more." Seungmin replied, visibly tired from Jisung's words.

Jisung laughed, playfully shoving Seungmin's shoulder. "Please, don't go all romantic on me now. I'm just over here blabbering about an encounter. It doesn't mean anything more than that."

Seungmin nodded, a glimmer of mischief in his eyes. "Well, I guess time will tell, won't it? As for now, let's focus on what truly matters: enjoying this delicious Korean barbecue together."

And so, they indulged in their meal, laughter and banter filling the air of Seungmin's cozy apartment. In that moment, Jisung couldn't help but feel grateful for the friendship he shared with Seungmin, someone who could turn even the most mundane conversations into something memorable and delightful.

Little did they know, their lives were about to take an unexpected turn, with the accidental encounter being just the beginning of a journey that neither Jisung nor Seungmin could have ever anticipated.

Jisung and Seungmin sat around the coffee table, plates piled high with mouthwatering Korean barbecue. As they indulged in the delicious feast, jokes and playful banter filled the air, creating an atmosphere of laughter and camaraderie.

Jisung took a bite of his beef bulgogi, pretending to savor every flavor dramatically. "You know, Seungmin, this is almost as satisfying as accidentally bumping into Lee Minho."

Seungmin snorted, rolling his eyes playfully. "Oh please, you and your Lee Minho obsession. Let's not forget who the true idol is here – Hwang Hyunjin, the one and only."

Jisung playfully pouted. "Oh come on, Seungmin! Lee Minho is a worldwide sensation. He has everything – the looks, the talent, and the star power. Your Hwang Hyunjin will have to earn his place in the spotlight."

Seungmin retorted with a smirk. "Believe me, Jisung, Hwang Hyunjin has already made his mark. Just you wait, one day he'll overshadow your precious Lee Minho."

Their friendly sparring continued throughout the meal, with each of them teasing and nitpicking the other's favorite idol. The playful argument escalated to the point where they even fake bickered about whose idol had better hairstyles, dance moves, and eye smiles. Their years-long friendship had proven strong enough to withstand such lighthearted squabbles.

Once they finished their meal, they moved to the cozy couch, ready to enjoy a movie together. Seungmin, already feeling the tiring effects of their bantering session, settled comfortably into the cushions, a contented smile on his face.

Jisung picked a comedy film, hoping to keep their lighthearted mood alive. As the movie played, Jisung couldn't help but steal glances at Seungmin, noticing how his eyelids grew heavier with each passing minute.

Unable to resist, Jisung chuckled softly and pointed at Seungmin. "Hey, look, Seungmin! Your Hwang Hyunjin isn't the only one who's stealing hearts. He's successfully stolen your consciousness too."

Seungmin groaned, trying to keep his eyes open. "Shut up, Jisung. I'm just tired from our banter-filled day. The power of Lee Minho colliding with you was too much for my fragile soul."

Jisung's laughter filled the room. "Ah, poor Seungmin, defeated by the cosmic energy of idol encounters. I guess I'll have to take matters into my own hands." He stood up, playfully flexing his biceps. "Time for me to carry you to bed, my sleepy friend."

With gentle care, Jisung scooped Seungmin into his arms and carried him to his bedroom. He placed Seungmin gently on the bed, tucking him in under the covers. As Jisung started to leave, he couldn't help but hesitate, watching his friend sleep peacefully.

Deciding it was only fair, Jisung resolved to sleep on the couch for the night. He fetched a spare blanket from the closet and settled onto the couch, grateful for the comfortable silence that surrounded him. As he closed his eyes, he couldn't help but reflect on the events that had led them to this moment.

From the accidental encounter with Minho to their playful banter about idols, their friendship had only grown stronger. In that quiet moment, Jisung felt grateful for the unexpected twists and turns that life had brought his way.

Little did he know that the bond they shared would soon be put to the test, as their individual journeys intertwined even deeper. The path ahead was uncertain, but with a friend like Seungmin by his side, Jisung felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

nov 29th 2023

i ate the spotify wrapped today, not gonna lie

i ate the spotify wrapped today, not gonna lie

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