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Chapter 60 060

Although the wedding was delayed by a few hours, it finally went ahead as scheduled.

The guests did not know how dangerous and serious something had just happened, and the Sheng family silently disposed of the matter, without alerting anyone, and no one would find that there were a few inconspicuous security guards or attendants on the scene.

Miss Sheng San and her fiancé, who escaped from death, not only did not get depressed because of the kidnapping, but they were excited and choked up in tears at the wedding oath scene... It was probably another emotion of self-indulgence, but it did infect the guests present.

Immediately after, there is the unprecedented cake cutting link -

"The staff below bothered to push the prepared cake up, and the wedding cake was also the first time I saw it today... OMG, is this the cake? The hosts were shocked.

Almost a meter tall strawberry cake, fresh and simple, the cake is a gradient pink from top to bottom, various dark berries are piled up on the cake steps, the middle layer of white chocolate billboard is written with blessings for the couple's beautiful love, and two sweet little people in wedding suits stand hand in hand at the top of the cake, surrounded by flowers.

This spectacular wedding cake amazed countless guests present.

"Oh my God! Is this the wedding cake, it's so beautiful..."

"Why didn't I have this ceremony when I got married, otherwise I would have cut a cake."

"It's so beautiful, where can I buy this, how come I've never seen such a thing?"

When Miss Sheng San and her fiancé picked up a knife to cut the cake, the guests in the audience looked unbearable, how could they spoil such a beautiful cake? But when it came to their mouths, they didn't say that, only left: "The fruit plate just now doesn't seem to have eaten this fruit, what kind of fruit is this, sweet and sour... The cake was delicious too!

...... It's a shame that such a beautiful cake was cut, but it's really delicious.

"I just thought it was quite big, but I didn't expect that it was a little too big." That's not enough cake.

But it doesn't matter, the dinner will start soon, and it is also a link that makes the Sheng family also look forward to it very much, worried for a long time, they can finally relax their hearts now, I saw Miss Sheng San clapped her hands and said: "Everyone, the dance and buffet have begun - everyone have fun and eat!"

The furnishings in the garden were suddenly rearranged, and the tables under the flower gallery were rearranged with various new containers, stacked small desserts, various colorful cold dishes, pre-dinner bread, and steaming stewed fish soup, stewed rib soup, and chef's live roasted leeks, grilled mushrooms, kebabs, and various dazzling buffets, which opened the eyes of interstellar guests——

It turns out that weddings can still be played like this!

The man's little lover alumni were already dumbfounded with empty plates: "Is this the world of rich people..."

The boy poked his girlfriend, pointed to several other rich people in the field and said, "No, do you see that other rich people are just like us, are they psychologically balanced?"

"Balanced! Earned! The girl looked left and right, "It's over, I think I want to eat everything, it looks so good."

"I think we should take a little of each and taste it."

...... It's not enough for us to have one stomach, if only we had two stomachs, eh.

Usually for banquets, everyone's main activity is dancing, but today... There was no one on the lawn of the dance party at all, and when I looked closely, everyone gathered at the long table of the buffet, especially the chef's stall of roast duck rolls, and there was a long line on the spot, because the master sliced duck on the spot, and I couldn't give as much as I wanted, and each person was limited to two rolls each time, so many people finished eating the row and finished the row.

✓There is no dessert in the whole interstellarWhere stories live. Discover now